breakfast ideas

shamm08 Posts: 109
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
What do you eat for breakfast? I need some healthier ideas.


  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    What do you eat for breakfast? I need some healthier ideas.
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Whole wheat light english muffins, with egg beaters-scrambled (one egg serving) and turkey light bacon-one piece microwaved, plus a piece of fat free cheese slice. Great sandwich.

    One banana with half a cup of yogurt sprinkled with granola and a little honey.

    Sliced apples with yogurt, my favorite.

    One large grapefruit sliced in half and pre-cut so the spoon will pull out the slices, touch of honey or splenda for a little sweetner, and a glass of chocolate milk.

    Just a few idea's...
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    1 cup of bran flakes 100
    1/4 cup 2% milk 35
    hard boiled egg 70
    med banana 80

    285 calories.
    Pretty much every morning.
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    A few things I have...

    Sugar free oatmeal (I add splenda to it though hehe)

    Lite multi grain english muffin w/ an egg beater & FF cheese

    Raisen Bran Crunch w/ skim milk

    French Toast (made with wheat bread, egg beaters & skim milk) I use spray cal free butter and sugar free syrup on it.

    Turkey Bacon, Egg beaters

    Fiber one bar if I'm running really late lol (usually that's my morning snack but sometimes I have no time for breakfast so I devour one of those lol).

    Sometimes I cut up a potato into slices and bake them to make a healthier version of home fries, I spray them with 0 calorie canola cooking spray and Mrs. Dash and bake them.
  • kelticmoon
    kelticmoon Posts: 2 Member
    I have a protein smoothie made with 1 scoop of Apex vanilla or chocolate, 1 cup water, and 1 cup frozen fruit. I hate breakfast! It is the hardest meal of the day for me. I do not like any meats, eggs, or milk that early. My body just does not want to digest anything that heavy, that early. A few hours after my smoothie I have 1/2 a bagel and some low cal butter spread. That always holds me over till lunch.

    With vanilla and chocolate protein mixes as a base and any frozen fruit - your options are endless. Who doesnt fancy chocolate covered strawberries or cherries? One of my other favs is the vanilla base with 1/2 cup frozen pineapple and 1/2 cup banana. It taste like a pina colada. YUM!
  • byn101
    byn101 Posts: 31
    I have Thomas English Muffin multi grain and one tbs of pnt butter
    Or some mornings Ill get a Jamba Juice Berry Topper (360 ish) cals. its a hearty breafast yougart with gronal and it is tasty..
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I try to get more calories at breakfast so I'll frequently have oatmeal with a tbsp of natural peanut butter and 1/2 a banana sliced into it.

    I also love having 1/2 a sprouted grain organic bagel with natural nut butter and 1/4 cup of blueberries or other berries

    I usually have some incarnation of oatmeal (I have a great recipe for baked oatmeal from the Eat Clean Diet cookbook (Tosca Reno).
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I have an omlette with 2 eggs, peppers, cheese and green onion, or regular oatmeal with brown sugar, no milk. I also have Natures plus organic cereal with flax. The pumpkin kind. Oh! And homemade quiche. I LOVE those!
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    2 cups cheerios
    .75 cups of skim milk
    1/2 banana
    313 calories.

    Or 2 egg omelet
    1/4 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese
    Hot sauce (hehe)
    267 calories.
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    40 minutes before my workout, I eat a banana with 2 Tbsp. of peanut butter for the energy w/o getting sick. After, I have an egg and reduced-fat cheese slice inside deli turkey rolled up or fiber one cereal or Multi-grain Cheerios with skim milk. I also like the fiber one bars...YUM!
  • menjivas
    menjivas Posts: 124 Member
    Quaker's Weight COntrol Oatmeal 160 calories
    1 tablespoon of reduced fat peanut butter and Nature's own double fiber wheat bread 135
    coffee w/ skim milk and splenda 45
    Total 340

    It's usually best to have your heavier meals either during breakfast or lunch and then have a light dinner.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I hated breakfast too. now i cant wait for morning to work out and break my fast!

    Activia vanilla low fat yogurt-4oz 70 cals
    strawberries or blueberries 1/2 cup 50 cals
    sprinked withe high protein special k. 1/4 cup 100 cals

    It depends sometimes I add 1/2 cup of 1% milk with my tea or coffee.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I have a bowl of sugar free oatmeal but in order to make it sweet I add sugar free pancake syrup. Gives it some flavor and not many calories. Just a suggestion.
  • chubbymom
    chubbymom Posts: 164
    I do either honey nut cheerios and an apple, the nature valley granola bars, or my favorite is the Thomas English muffins with strawberry jelly...yum! Oh the multi-grain ones. Hmmmm or if I need something fast I do the EAS low carb shakes...but they are not very filling.
  • mostly oatmeal and milk

    granola bar, oranges and grapes

    but i love oatmeal the most:tongue:
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    i chop up a little bit of spinach and chuck that in an egg fry that up and shove it on a piece of toast and i have either a glass of low fat milk, tea or juice with it:love:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    hot cereal like oat bran...its soooo good...w/ a little honey and blueberries...lots more fiber than reg. oatmeal! very filling!

    fat free van yogurt and ground flaxseed and berries

    egg beater scramble (cut up veggies and saute w/ a tiny bit of evoo and then add egg beater and a little grated cheese and scramble) w/ a thomas lite mutligrain english muffin

    OH and my beloved coffee! :tongue:

  • Mely
    Mely Posts: 166 Member
    Oatmeal. It's super filling and cheaper than boxed cereal. Buy it in a tin (not the instant packages).

    Use 1/2 cup flakes
    1 cup water
    cook in microwave for 3 mins on med-high temp.

    Makes a lot of oatmeal for 150 calories

    I add sweetner and a little milk and usually eat half and reheat the other half a couple of hours later when I start to get hungry again.
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