A good friend of my introduced me to MFP and I'm super excited to start today. My name is Rachel and I'm 26 years old. I'm a new mommy to a beautiful little girl. She is my world. I have a wonderful stepson also. Claire is 6months old and Austin is 9 years old. I decided after being asked to be the maid of honor for my brother's wedding and trying on dresses, that it's time to lose all this baby weight plus some. I hope by June of next year I will fit into a size 8 dress. I want to say good luck to everyone else on your journey to a better you!!!!!!!!


  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    Welcome to MFP =)

    Thanks and good luck on your weight loss journey !
  • BeautifullymeForever
    BeautifullymeForever Posts: 59 Member
    Your friend was right, this is an amazing site and you will love it. Plenty of encouragment and support here. Welcome
  • jackiekjames
    Welcome and best of luck, you have def. come to the right place...feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hello and welcome! Good luck on your journey!
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Welcome! If you want some support, go ahead and add me!!! I hope that you find this website as helpful as I have!
  • chunkymonkeylass
    I am just starting to loose the weight. at first you will gain a few lbs cause your body dunno what you are doing. but about 2 wks later the lbs will melt away. Tell you what, add me as a friend I have recipes that are non & low fat that actually tatse good. I am a finniky eater & If Ill eat it than it must be good. OH & good luck If you need support I'll be here for you :drinker:
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome and good luck! This site is great, you'll love it!
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome-this is a great site for support, but also ease of tracking just about everything to keep yourself accountable! Good luck on your journey!
  • heathermrls
    heathermrls Posts: 91
    hi. welcome to the site. this is def. the place to be. it's like we are all one big family here to support everyone:) i'm sure that if you stick to your goal you will lose the weight in no time. i will add you:)
  • sarahpiggott29
    Hi,I am a mum of two beautiful children aged 9 and 6 and today i have decided enough is enough i need to lose some weight.This website seems fantastic !! Nice to meet you all!!!
  • stephaniehope
    stephaniehope Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome! I have been telling my friends about this site too! You will love it here, and we're all here to support you! You can do it!!!
  • ashreffler
    ashreffler Posts: 8
    I also started my journey today for the same reasons as you actually. I will be in a wedding in November and do not want to be the fat bridesmaid. I also am a Mom needing to set a good example and shed those pounds and then some. I would love to be friends on here and follow each other through the process if you are interested.