bike and bike trailer for mother's day!

I love my husband....
I got a cute cruiser bike, and a bike tent trailer to put the baby in. I'm so excited about getting to take my little boy out on bike rides every day. We've been stuck in the house since winter, so now being able to take him to a park, but also get a good work out (pulling that thing is tough!) is so great. I burned over 700 calories this morning by biking, and pulling about 60 lbs behind me!


  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    We got a bike trailer last year, but I just pulled my son for the first time yesterday (I make my husband do it). It is definitely a good work out with that extra weight behind you. I'll be doing it more often now.
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    CONGRATULATIONS - i got that last year for my birthday!!! i LOVE taking my son out in's an awesome workout for sure!!! yay you!! points to your husband too :D
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Awww I want one!! Have fun!!
  • MikeHankins
    MikeHankins Posts: 10 Member
    Ha, great minds. I got a bike and bike trailer for my wife. I've always been a fan of biking but my wife hasnt really cared much. I jumped out and bought us nice bikes and trailer... which i pull... And she loves it. We live on the a lake so its beautiful. We def burn some crazy calories! Question for you tho. Do you use a watch that tracks your calories or do you use an exercise in the database?