
danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm so exhausted, but still need to workout. How do you all find the energy??


  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Increase Protein and lower Carbs!
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    :sad: i need more energy too!
  • Vitamin b-6
  • jdg1mfp
    jdg1mfp Posts: 103
    Just do it!
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    How about good old "motivational" energy? - Get out there and do it!!

    Think about how great you feel after a workout, even if you have to drag your butt into it. That always makes me power through.
    Good luck
  • Beachbride07
    Beachbride07 Posts: 49 Member
    Keep going. I was so exhausted over the last few weeks I was almost ready to give up. :yawn: I kept exersicing though and I'm FINALLY starting to feel the energy from it (you know how they always say you will have more energy once you excersice.. blah blah). It took me almost a month to start feeling the results, but seriously, I'm SO much better now! :drinker:

    Don't give up!!
  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    dont let yourself be hungry! that was the worst for me! also, at one point I was working out WAY too much and I was consistently losing energy! give yourself rest days in between workouts and you will be golden:flowerforyou:
  • clickin
    clickin Posts: 3 Member
    Plain ol Black coffee - no sugar

    Caffeine works for me every time!!!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Gradually build up your workouts,because sure enough, the more you work out, then the more energy you will have available. Also...get enough sleep!
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    I'm so exhausted, but still need to workout. How do you all find the energy??

    Force myself a lot of times. I sometimes don't work out as intense however I find working out at all is better then not.

    I also find that you have to pick the right time to work out. I have tried earlier morning; not for me. I usually feel ill afterwards and don't enjoy that much. I used to work out from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM and that worked for years however I found that I was starting to dread working out. My perfect time to workout is right after work. I still have energy and I know when done I still have the rest of the night to do other things.

    Music; I have found that this can make a difference. Movies; while not often I have watched some action movies and then worked out. Should see how much energy you have after watching a Rocky movie. :D

    Energy Bars. Try an hour before you are going to workout having something that is designed to give you energy. I personally would stay away from Energy Drinks.

    Hope some of this helps.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I had no energy to work out today, but after 10 minutes in I was energized and ready to go! Also ,make sure you eat protien and complex carb a little bit before your work out; it helps to give energy to your workout!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    It is very hard and the more you get up and make yourself work out the easier it will be to do it. You will end up feeling lost if you dont do it. Look at a motivational picture of yourself at your goal weight or even someone else you want to look like. Keep in mind that if you don't do this workout today that day of looking that way may never happen. Mind tricks my sweet.
  • skinnyb450
    skinnyb450 Posts: 288
    I take a daily :smile: multivitamin and increase your protein :)
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    Quick fix = 5 hour energy
  • I get the energy from working out. Take a piece of fruit and just start it!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I give myself all the reasons why I shouldn't then say to myself, "Self, get off your FAT *kitten* and workout!!!!!". Literally. I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among other disorders and truly have to fight with my body to workout but somehow when I'm finished I feel fantastic and accomplished!
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    i def eat a small snack before i work out and i have an awesome music assortment to workout to not to mention the thought of me in that bikini lookin smokin hot makes me get up and start movin!
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    the more you do the more you energy you will have! Try a short intense workout like the 30 day shred (you dont have to do it for 30 days), thats what I hit when I am feeling tired as its only 20 minutes per workout but afterwards I generally feel pumped and end up doing something else aswell :smile:
  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    If you're tired because you've been working out like a fiend for the last 4 days then I'd say you earned a break! If not then put your gym clothes on and just get in your car without even thinking about it. (ps I'm totally talking to myself right now too)
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Honestly, increase your carbs not your protein when you need energy.

    Why do you think marathon runners eat high carb meals the night before? It gives them tons of energy.
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