Losing weight with PCOS



  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    I have had PCOS for 25 years. Loosing and maintaining weight is a struggle. I have been battling it most of my life. Feel free to friend me. I wish you success on your journey.
  • Erminia29
    Erminia29 Posts: 2
    I am 22 and was diagnosed with PCOS and have a horrible belly fat and love handles, it's very obvious because I'm not fat only in that area. So the belly fat was bringing me down so I decided to watch what I eat, I eat wheat and things with whole grain and my Stomach has gone down a bit, I also go to the gym a little less than once a week, but I am planning on moving it up to 3 days, also I enrolled in Zumba class I start tomorrow, I'm excited and determined to tone my stomach. I have always been slim so this is really wierd to me I never thought I would ever need to exercise or watch what I eat. When i was diagnosed I went from 120 to 140 within 4 months but it's just the belly fat that depresses me :( but I'm in this with all of you and I'm determined to loose this belly fat !!
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    I feel your pain. It will be a constant battle. Limiting refined grains and sugars will help. What PCOS does is makes our body's "Insulin resistant" Also called Pre-Diabetic. Don't be depressed about this let it make you determined to be healthy. This is a wonderful book to help you understand how your body works. The Insulin Resistance Diet is a wonderful book. It helped me understand how to care for myself. I hope it helps you.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    both! i am on metformin and carb limiting and exercise have helped me. i am also on birth control pills to assist me in staying regular. feel free to add me!
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    It appears the starter of this thread has deleted her profile. So any PCO folks feel free to add me as a friend!
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I have PCOS, I have had it forever it seems. I am lucky though it didn't mess with fertility as I had all my children in my early 20's before it fully manifested itself.

    My physician refuses to prescribe Metformin as a treatment as she had researched it and feels it's not the answer.

    I used it as an excuse to hold onto my weight for years, but now with research on the type of diet that it responds to I'm cruising along the weightloss journey.

    I have found the key is no processed goods, no wheat, and no sugar combined with an above average level of exercise.

    Now if it were only that easy to get rid of the extra facial hair and acne side effects!
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