Seriously "fell off the wagon"......



  • Gretchen22276
    I absolutely get this! I'm a recovering emotional over-eater. I'm learning to use exercise as a way to divert my emotional eating. I have fallen off the healthy wagon numerous times in my life just to find myself knee deep in donuts and still unhappy. Please don't beat yourself up! Just restart your engine. Yesterday is over. Start fresh today! You can do this!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    If it makes you feel ANY better....last year I lost 33 lbs. I went from 211 to 178 and now...I'm back up to 192. Don't be so hard on yourself. Just keep at it, I am finally getting serious again and I've already lost 6 lbs. You can do it!
  • Gretchen22276
    What made it a little worse was that hubby laughed at me when I told him I gained all that weight back plus some !. (yes I'm totally serious !.)

    Shame on him!

    Remember though, this is for you to be healthy, it isn't about what others( even the hubby) thinks. Gotta do it for you, despite the emotional rollercoaster or misguided loved ones opinions! Hugs!
  • gagejennifer
    Thank you everyone for the encouragement !. ;-)