Has anyone tried the HCG diet? Did you buy it on the internet or did your doctor prescribe it? My co-workers and I have been talking about it for a while - we saw it on Dr. Oz and it showed both good and bad - but none of us know anyone who personally has done it. Any advice (good or bad) would be great!

-Please dont respond if you have something negative, rude, or hurtful to say - it is not wanted nor needed.



  • Shirley25300
    I don't know a lot about the diet except what I saw some friends do. They were eating very low calorie meals and they did lose weight. But as a nurse, I see that with that amount of calories you would lose weight with or without the HCG, so I honestly think the HCG part is more of a gimmick. Both couples started eating again and have gained their weight back even though they kept taking the HCG. So that's my take! Good luck on your journey toward reaching your goal! That's what we're all striving for!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Silly question, what does HCG stand for?
  • Tonyruns82
    Tonyruns82 Posts: 1
    I've known 7 people who have taken it and all had drastic results within the first month. The ones that adhered closely to the guidelines for the initial period (500 cal, etc) had much better results maintaining it after the first month was over. Of the 7, four rebounded HARD and gained all the weight back. The other three have kept the weight off and maintained it via diet and exercise.

    I'm no doctor but I have read the HCG program and done quite a bit of research - for the sake of keeping this brief I would say that I've seen HCG, combined with an EXTREMELY low caloric intake, kickstart some weight loss very effectively. Period. This being said, remember to bear in mind that you're introducing a hormone into your body (albeit at a very low level - the rumors about testing positive for pregnancy are crap) that wouldn't otherwise be there and there can be side effects.

    Like most things health related you should consult your physician and see what (s)he thinks before starting it because your body may have conditions that could react to the HCG (my guess would be for most folks this is pretty unlikely but seriously - ask your doc).

    Good luck and remember that you can be very successful without HCG too!
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I'm on the diet right now. i've been on it for 2 months and I lost alot of weight. I'm doing it through a weight loss clinic, because they keep track of what kind of weight i'm losing. Alot of people go on the diet and think they don't have to exercise, and end up losing muscle, which is very bad. The downside for me is that I get headaches. I don't get them as much as I use too though. If you do it just be sure to
    1. Follow it to a T
    2. EXERCISE because you don't want to lose muscle
    3. I will do it through a DR.
    4. Do some kind of EXERCISE everyday.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have done a couple of rounds with the injections done daily prescribed by my doctor. I have kept the weight off with no problem and restarted my low carb plan and I am now having good results.

    For me, doing the HCG plan was more than just losing weight. It was about getting other issues with my Endocrine system and my hormones back in alignment, which it did.

    I am proud to say that I no longer take any medications, not even thyroid meds any longer and I was told that I would have to take them for the remainder of my life.

    Someone mentioned losing the weight doing just the 500 calories plan and not using the HCG..........Yes, you would lose weight, most of it muscle and would be excrutiatingly hungry. With the HCG I had little or no muscle loss and I was never hungry - so it is not a gimmick.

    I tried the 500 calorie plan without the HCG and the hunger and emptiness in my stomach was unbearable.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Thank you guys for your replies - I appreciate it very much!
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

    I take the homeopathic drops which has been diluted and the energy of the hcg hormone suspended. No actual hormone just the energy so no hormonal side effects.

    I did my first round and lost 19lbs. I'm on my second round and lost 5lbs.

    If you're willing to stay dedicated it does work. Not a lazy person who didn't exercise and ate fast food. Just a healthy exerciser who runs and had a hard time with my diet due to stress, work and travel. This works for me.

    Hope that helps.
