Thoughts on Peanut Butter



  • SarinaN81
    SarinaN81 Posts: 5
    Peanut butters is good for you. Try the natural brand. Dont over indulge !-2tbls isnt bad as long as it fits in your caloric intake.
  • Gaylechner
    Gaylechner Posts: 2
    Well, your friend isn't up to speed on fats, apparently, because all fats are NOT bad. The bad ones are trans fats (man-made fat) and saturated fats (foods of animal origin such as meat, cream, butter, ice cream). The good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. One good source of information about all this is WebMD, kind of an everything-you-want-to-know-about-fats site. As for peanut butter: peanuts are legumes, not nuts (other examples of legumes are lentils and split peas). The primary fat in PB is monounsaturated (good); PB also packs a good amount of protein in a small (2 Tbsp) serving. I try to steer clear of Jif/Peter Pan/Skippy etc., because of the hydrogenated oil and the sugar, instead opting for the Smucker's or some other 'natural' brand, the kind where the oil is stirred into the pb. Not everyone likes stirring their pb, mind you, and we're so used to having our pb smooth and sweet that the natural tastes, well, unnatural. Anyway, my advice would be to research this yourself, stop listening to your friend(s), and read labels. There are worse things to slap on your thighs than peanut butter...

  • Texican4life
    One thing to consider: peanut butter needs either 1 or 2 ingredients max...peanuts and salt (optional). Peter Pan has 6, 3 of which are hydrogenated oils. Central Market (HEB) peanut butter which is just nuts is addictive.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    It's good stuff. Plus, it's tasty on a PB&P (peanut butter and pickle) :wink:
  • seemichellerun
    I like to have some peanut butter on crackers or toast as snack. Peanut butter can be good for you as it's a good source of protein and natural fats. Just stick to the natural peanut butters (the ones with the oil on top that you have to stir and store in the refrigerator). Otherwise they're loaded with extra sugars and preservatives.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I like to have some peanut butter on crackers or toast as snack. Peanut butter can be good for you as it's a good source of protein and natural fats. Just stick to the natural peanut butters (the ones with the oil on top that you have to stir and store in the refrigerator). Otherwise they're loaded with extra sugars and preservatives.

    Agreed. Also, you can buy "no stir" natural peanut butter.
  • keepkickingbutt
    keepkickingbutt Posts: 49 Member
    Peanut butter is FINE. And delicious. Agree with the folks here - everything in moderation! If it fits into your day's calories, rock on. If not - give it a miss for that day.

    Like most processed stuff from the supermarket - just read the label before you purchase, and choose the brand that has the least sodium and the least artificial and/or added stuff.

    Bon appetit!
  • bbgunz88
    bbgunz88 Posts: 12
    bah! Do your research! Like everyone has been saying its healthy fat! Its good protein and add 2 slices of wheat and you have a great bedtime snack! and post work out snack too! Plus most of the fat can be used as fuel during workouts just like olive oil.
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    I recently bought Crazy Richard's Peanut Butter, just peanuts. It has to be stirred, and it's not sweet, but it does the trick. And, I just keep an eye on the fats category in my diary. Even if I eat Peanut Butter I try not to go over fats for the day. Avocadoes get me every time in that category.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Most common peanut butters (jif, peter pan, etc...) contain hydrogenated oils which are very bad for you. If you really want to "go healthy" get yourself some all natural organic peanut butter. There is no added sugars. I like the crunchy.... I didn't at first, but now I love it!

    On the money. As most everyone has said your friend is completely wrong. But it should be natural. I recently switched, as I love peanut butter, but the major brands have too many ingredients. Peanut butter should only have two ingredients: peanuts and salt.

    As for your friend, I wouldn't take any more food advice from them.
  • Aud30
    Aud30 Posts: 2 Member
    Moderation. It's still about calories in and calories out. I buy this product called PB2. Google it and see if you can find a store in your area that sells. It's powder, you take 2 tablespoons and mix with 1 tbsp of water. Viola! You have peanut butter and it's GOOD! Sometimes I mix 2 tsp of natural PB with the PB2. Here is a link to red about it! Even my husband, a PBJ lover likes it a lot! It's just a good compromise when you need it!

    Last thought. If you eat PB by the spoonful out of the jar having no idea how much you are eating then yes, the lbs will come. However, if you PLAN for it in your diet and use a measuring spoon I believe you can eat and enjoy in a very healthy way! :)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Peanut butter is good in moderation. I would not suggest eating more than the serving size a day. I'm almost tempted to say I would treat it as a "treat" as it's not the healthiest nut and really offer no nutrients outside of protein and some healthy fat (which you could get from raw almonds not to mention almonds are much more healthy).

    Just my 2 cents. I love peanut butter but realize two tablespoons aren't worth 190 calories. :frown: