


  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Kuddos to is a very tough disease to beat and I agree you need to have people who are helping you be knowledgable in this area. Stick with it...I am here if you have any questions.........:heart:
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Like the others have said, it's not about the food. However, if you have concerns you should see a doctor AND a therapist who specialize in anorexia. I personally hate it when people throw that term around. It's proably the most misunderstood disease in the world.

    Look at this website for proper information and to find a specialist near you. Don't rely on other peoples opinions of what you are doing. Ed's are dangerous, get help right away. I've been in recovery for 11 years now, but I still struggle. I had a relapse this past year that really set back my health. It's not something to mess around with.

    Good luck and stay strong.
  • shanny93
    shanny93 Posts: 2 Member
    I never thought I was "anorexic." I was in denial for months, but I received an official diagnosis about a month ago. Here's the crazy part...I was eating up to 1800 calories per day! However, my excessive exercise, OBSESSION with my weight down to a tenth of a pound, and fixation on losing weight despite the fact that I was already underweight landed me my diagnosis. My weight got down to 114 pounds at 5'8.5", which, although not the stereotypical "anorexic" weight, was a VERY unhealthy weight for me. I couldn't get rid of a measly cold for 2 months. I got headaches and frequently got light headed/almost passed out, despite drinking water like a fish. My nutritionist explained to me that I was in starvation mode due to my exercise....average of 1500ish-600 exercise= 900 net = STARVATION. Just because you eat or don't have a CRAZY low bmi does nOT mean you aren't anorexic. I was pushed by my boyfriend to get help, but don't let denial stop you from getting help. Anorexia is a disease of the mind even more so than the body.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    I hate to admit it but I love the control part of many things in life you can not control, but I can control what goes in my mouth. The bad thing is I ave no control over the negative effects that it does to my body, unless of course I just eat that is. The other thing with eating disorders is people use them to avoid their emotions or to make them feel better. So many people who work with me think "just eat" well it isnt just that. The other thing they are finding to be true with anorexia is when you get a low BMI it actually changes the chemicals in the brain which in turn make they distorted thinking even worse. almost along the lines of someone who has delusions. but this is something new they are currently studing in research. (I participate in many studies..figure what the heck if it can possible help me or somebody else why not) ED are very complicated and anyone who thinks they have one should get some professional help