Lots of Questions

Hi everyone! I just started on MFP today, because I was told by a doctor I need to get my health under control or I could die any second. Really freaked me out! I have always tried to eat well and work out but most of the time I don't know how to motivate myself beyond a week or two (though you think sudden death would be a good motivator), and I just feel tired all the time. Anyway, I hope to find some support here, and make it to and stay at my goal weight and maybe even start to enjoy exercise (!!!).
Anyway, my questions are...

How can I reduce sodium in my diet? I have NEVER cooked with salt or put it on food I cook, I don't even have it in my house, but it seems nearly all the food I buy has salt in it. I am only supposed to have 1000-1500 mg per day and it's really hard. I only ever drink water, black coffee, or unsweet tea, and occasionally I drink fruit juice or alcohol. Any ideas?

I heard that taking multivitimins can cause weight gain and increase blood pressure. Anyone have these reactions? I know once I began taking a One A Day, I gained about 10 lbs really quickly and my BP went up significantly. They made me feel pretty good, but I don't know about the side effects so I stopped taking them.

I am also worried about how to prevent saggy skin as I am losing weight. I have a lot of weight on my stomach, breasts, and arms, and I am worried that if I get to my goal, I will be left with lots of extra skin (and saggy boobs). Has anyone had this happen? Is there a way to prevent it?

Anyway, those are my initial questions. I know it's a lot, but they are things I had on my mind. I know some of those should be addressed to a doc, but unfortunately, I do not have health insurance, so I thought I would see what you guys thought. Anyway, hope to make some friends also to help me stay motivated. Thanks for reading and any replies!


  • n0pants3ver
    n0pants3ver Posts: 175
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    I found that shopping at Trader Joes and just buying generally wholesome foods has significantly cut down my sodium intake. Avoid "grab and go" foods and canned soups as well as any fast food. Be label conscious when you are grocery shopping. If you see that something has 700 mg of sodium per serving, put it back. I know it sounds simple, but it can be hard sometimes!

    Your other questions are not my most knowledgeable subjects, so I will leave the answers to some MFP whizzes. :laugh: :laugh:
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I can't answer all of your questions but I am interested in seeing answers myself. As far as sodium goes, it is a big struggle for me as well. Buy low sodium items whenever you can. Eat as little processed food as possible, which is loaded with sodium. The fresher the better! Good luck to you on your journey! Feel free to add me for support and motivation!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there. Sending you a friend request. I started this journey in January because of blood pressure issues and the effect they were having on my health. I have seen MFP users who have had strokes or been in near diabetic comas--and they have transformed their lives and health by using the tools on this site. The same thing can happen for you.

    As for controlling sodium, the best strategy is to cook from scratch avoiding frozen, canned, boxed, or any type of semi-homemade foods. Eating out at restaurants is even worse. It pains me. I struggle with it. But it is VERY hard to control sodium eating restaurant food, even a single burger, can easily consume an entire days worth of sodium (or three) in a single meal.
  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525
    A good rule of thumb is shop the outside edge of the grocery store (dairy, produce, meat) and stay out of the aisles when possible
    just track your food, what you normally eat, for a few days, you'd be surprised how much sodium you'll see.

    drink more water, tea & soda dehydrate you, so if you do indulge ( i HAVE to have my morning coffee) drink extra
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:

    I was shocked at the sodium levels in foods when I started tracking my sodium intake. Here are some things to watch out for: canned soups, probably any soup for that matter, lunch meats, boxed mixes (like Stove Top stuffing). I've made a habit if I'm buying any of these things to get the low sodium version. Don't miss the sodium at all!

    I've never heard that about multivitamins... I hope it's not true! I just started taking one again.

    As others have said, stick to the outside of the supermarket. Good luck!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Processed foods are usually loaded with sodium. Cook meats and veggies at home, and, instead of salt, find some herbs that you like. I use turmeric on chicken, rice. Rosemary, dill, and basil on fish and veggies. Cinnamon on oatmeal, mixed in yogurt. Take it slow...although your need sounds urgent, you can't solve everything in a minute. Read the nutrition information before you buy...it may take a minute or two more in the grocery store, but you'll soon know. And, drink lots of water. Very best of luck to you!
  • ktmcqueen
    ktmcqueen Posts: 81
    I can't really answer your questions b/c I too am having similar probs. I just wanted to show my support. I will send a friends request after this. The only thing that I found that kinda works for me (and that's if I get on and go through with it) is to plan out my meals on here in my food diary and follow it throughout the day. That way I feel like I have something to hold myself to. I look at that candy bar or snack of choice and I say to myself "Nope, it's not on the schedule today" I won't lie when I was sticking to this every few days I would have something extra but I would add it to my diary before bed. That little extra felt like a treat so it would help me to start fresh the next day. I'm not one to use as an awesome model for this losing weight thing b/c I've had alot of distractions lately and stopped tracking my food for weeks therefore not losing anything. I feel worse emotionally for giving up on myself then I do physically for being overweight. Just keep at it, even if you go over on a day. Don't get discouraged. Hopefully you will have friends on here that will understand and help you reach your goal! Good luck! :)