PREGNANCY! before the last 15 or after??

lashleyrivera Posts: 165
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys so me and my hubby want to try for a baby soon, I wanted to lose at least 10 so I'm in better shape after, but I'm not sure if it will make a difference or not...I already have one daughter but I was young and my body went right back to pre baby...I'm 5 5 and weigh about 129 130...he is scheduled to deploy in april and I don't want to wait a whole year while he i s deployed to we r kinda down to crunch time...I'm just looking for everyone opinion..would it be even harder to lose it after the baby, should I just lose it now since it shouldn't take too long..idk I'm just clueless...thank u!


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    What's more important to you and your hubby? You will be able to lose it after the baby, whether it be hard or easy. But my opinion is that this is really a personal decision between you two.. Me and my hubby are waiting because of financial reasons.. If we had the money, we would do it right now and I would worry about keeping my weight in check while prego and getting back in shape after.. I want a baby really bad tho, just not financially able =(
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Weight usually only affects you chances of conceiving if you are really over or really under. I say go for it start trying tonight :) the most important thing is knowing when you ovulate.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Go ahead and try now. Just make sure you make choices for a healthy pregancy. Meaning, if you are going to try now, avoid alcohol and any medication that wouldn't be good for a pregnant lady.

    If you plan on having more, you might has well go for it. You can work at this while pregnant, you just have to modify. When you do get pregnant, follow your doctors advice on diet and exercise. The YMCA has classed for pregnant women, and I believe they are pretty cheap. You can just do the exercise class without a full membership.

    With my last pregnancy, food wasn't appealing to me. Mainly anything sweet at all. I ended up only gaining 3 pounds, but I was overweight to begin with, so my doctor assured me it was ok. I just wish my love of food didn't come back right away. I gained it back soon after, but I didn't have myfitnesspal to keep me in line.
  • lashleyrivera
    lashleyrivera Posts: 165
    We have talked about it and we would do it right now, its just I'm afraid ill have extra weight plus this 15 to lose...I just don't want to be left with extra that can't be still continue to workout and id probably eat even better...does anyone have an experience with this situation?
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    In my would be disappointing to lose 15 pounds just to gain it all back and then some. I honestly would try now and just eat really healthy during your pregnancy and still keep active as long as you can. With my first pregnancy (I was 20) I gained 65 pounds and lost 10 before I realized I was pregnant again and gained the 10 back and then 20 more on top of that. It's taken me a year to lose 59 pounds (I'm 23 now). But you just may have better genes and lose the weight quicker and snap back better. You can still lose weight while trying though, right?
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    what's your priority... baby or weight loss?

    Before I conceived my son I had around 90lb to lose... I also have fertility problems (which the weight wasn't helping). I lost 30lb and we stopped contraception. I lost another 10lb before I conceived... here I am though five years later, and when I started the journey this time last year I had 115lb to lose (I've lost 61lb since then).

    I don't for a second regret putting the chance of a baby over my weight loss, knowing that I could come back to that when the time was right. I do regret allowing myself to put on so much in that time though.

    However, just because my husband and I put conception first doesn't mean that's the right thing for you. You have to work this one out for yourselves... Good luck, no matter what you decide... :)
  • infosynth
    infosynth Posts: 81 Member
    First, consult with an obstetrician about this.

    Personally, I'd suggest emphasizing your own nutrition (don't forget to take those prenatal vitamins!) and fitness so that you can have a good pregnancy and a healthy baby. Let's face it, none of us is svelte while we're pregnant, and 10 lbs. isn't going to matter much either way.

    Good luck!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat. My husband isn't in the militarty or anything we just sort of have a time-line we'd really like to stick to for baby #2. I'm trying to lose as much as I can by the end of the summer so we can TTC in the fall.

    In your case you are already at a very healthy weight and sometimes those 10-15 pounds may take longer than you think. I wouldn't hesitate in the baby-making dept. but that's just me.
  • lashleyrivera
    lashleyrivera Posts: 165
    Lol that is true...thanks for being so supportive everyone! My hubby is waiting for me to give the go ahead hahaha...
  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    I was pretty in shape before my first pregnancy and decided not to work too hard to lose the baby weight before my second pregnancy. Pregnancy and staying active during pregnancy is easier if you're reasonably healthy to begin with. I felt a lot better with my first pregnancy than my second due to the extra weight and being out of shape the second time (also probably due somewhat to having to chase a toddler during the second pregnancy so being more tired). However, I did lose it all again and then some (and then gained it back and lost it again 5 years later!), so it can be done. If you feel healthy and good now, I would say go ahead and TTC. That's exciting--good luck!
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    Personally, it would be more important to me to conceive right away and have my husband around for the whole pregnancy and when the baby was born. If you get pregnant now, the baby would be born in, what, early Feb.? That doesn't give you much time.

    There is always time to lose the weight. Sure it might be easier to lose it now (I always get super hungry while breastfeeding and over eat and gain weight), but maybe it wouldn't. Some women actually lose weight crazy quickly and easily while breastfeeding.

    If it were me, I would start trying ASAP, and in the mean time, eat super healthily, and exercise regularly. That way you will be in the best shape you can be for the birth. Then your husband will be deployed. You will still be all chubby post baby when he leaves and you will have his whole deployment to get back into an even better shape for his return. And you will be able to keep your super sexy body instead of immediately losing it to baby.

    But that is me. You know your body and how you feel best.
  • nursemom27
    nursemom27 Posts: 36 Member
    I say go for it now. Just because you are older doesn't mean that it'll be more difficult to lose the baby wt. I know that it has been a struggle for me after having two kids close together, but my first child was born when I was 25 and I lost the wt in 9 months. I then got pregnant again and it wasn't so easy. Anyway, you already have good habits- just continue to eat healthy and exercise while pregnant. The weight will come off, just be patient.
  • kaysirs
    kaysirs Posts: 2
    I say do it. Im in the same boat i wanna lose these last 5 pounds so i can be where i was before i had my daughter almost 2 years ago an my hubby deploys in the next few months.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I say go for it.
    Everybody's body is different and you might be one of those girls who walk out of the hospital at prepregnancy weight (I was not- either time). It really has to do with genetics not so much how much you weigh. You are at a healthy weight now so in my opinion 10lbs isn't going to make or break you.
    For me having my husband there for the pregnancy and birth would take precident over losing weight- but that's your call.
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