I just can not stick to it...

For some reason every few days.. most likely every other day I end up having like a off day. I get these food urges and I always cave in and I hate it! IDK what else to do... I've been fighting this for so long and i've been in a rut with my weight loss for so long just because of this and I hate it!


  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    dont keep tempting things in the house, have healthy things preprepared so that when you get hungry its right there, practice saying no to yourself for one thing a day at first, it will get easier as you get accustomed to not caving in all the time and it will give you confidence once you see yourself doing well and getting results.
  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    I completly know how you feel. I have a very busy schedule and a very active 11 month old son. By the time I have time to exercise I just want to nap and when it comes to meal times as I drive though town I see the fast food and I cave in using the excuse that I just dont have time to go home and cook. I just keep remembering that I didnt get into this position in a day and I wont get out of it in a day. Its a lifestyle change not and overnight fix. Keep it up and dont be too hard on yourself. You can do it.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I feel ya! Im not at my goal weight yet but I struggle every few days. I can do good for 3 days or so then over eat.. I sometimes feel I will always struggle with this but the only thing I can tell you is to not give up and just keep moving forward even if you have a bad day just start fresh the next day and so on. Its not going to be easy but all we can do it keep on going. Keep your head up:)
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    I was good all day with my urges and when i came home tonight from work it just all went out the window... with me my food urges just get too strong...
  • camillebrie3
    I can relate to that! I've been trying a million things to help me stay motivated and be accountable for exercising and eating right. Maybe one of them will help you.
    I log my food and exercise every day.
    I also log my exercise on a wall calender I look at several time a day. I've just started scheduling time to workout on the calender, so I will see what I need to do for the rest of the week.
    I bring my running shoes to work, so I will be motivated to take a 30 min walk instead of sit on my butt reading magazines.
    I recently went to the doctor to get a full workup, and all my bloodwork looks good. So, I'm more motivated to keep it that way, since I know where I stand.
    I have a bikini hanging in plain view in the dining room, so I will think twice about going back for seconds or a late night snack.
    I have realized that every little bit of exercise counts, so I try to feel good about my wrokouts no matter how "well" I did.
    I try not to feel guilty when I don't eat right for one meal, or I sleep in instead of exercising, because:
    Tomorrow is a new day!!!!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    How do you feel about calorie cycling? I was zig zagging before anyway but making myself feel SO guilty about it. But I decided to give it a try officially and now I can just waver within a 200 or 300 calorie window, make up for it the next day and not feel terrible!

    It's been incredibly freeing. And I logged a loss of 3.4 lbs. since the start of the month, so I can say it's working for me.

    Just an idea. Good luck! :)
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Losing weight is just a series of choices. If you make enough of the right ones you will lose weight. Pretty much everyone knows that though, dont they?
    You can choose to use phrases like "I just can not...." or you can choose to use more positive phrasing. If you talk yourself out of it before you have even started then it really is going to be an uphill battle.
    You can choose to keep junky food in the house, or you can choose to have only healthy fresh food in your house.
    You can choose to eat because you are bored, or you can choose to find something else to do.
    Every choice you make will either lead you closer to or further away from your goal. Being mindful of these choices does help.
    Good luck
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I was good all day with my urges and when i came home tonight from work it just all went out the window... with me my food urges just get too strong...

    I am not sure if this will help...but I added more protein, cut my carbs and dropped sugar...Urges have calmed right down....and I am back to loosing weight....If what you are doing is not working, don't stick to it hon. Change it....It makes sense that our bodies and our minds change...You have done a great job so far and maybe now it is time to make some more changes.....

    Isn't that how you got this far to date? By changing things?
    just a thought
  • GillianIrish
    I am new here but isn't it okay to have one day off without beating yourself up about it? As long as you don't go overboard on that one day off with the food you love and realise that tomorrow you'll get right back on track. My problem was beating myself up about that one day off which meant that the next day I continued eating the foods I loved - not good!

    I try to have one item of clothing that I can nearly fit into at hand and I'll try it on if I'm really tempted with food. If I can resist that food and try that item on the following day, I know I'll have made the right decision and I'll remember that feeling the next time I want to eat those good/bad foods!!! :)

    Good luck xx
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I was good all day with my urges and when i came home tonight from work it just all went out the window... with me my food urges just get too strong...

    I think maybe a good question to ask yourself is why this is happening. Are you truly hungry? If so, adjust your eating schedule to accommodate an after-work snack. Or have some tea, water, or something to put on your stomach.

    If it's more that you're stressed out after dealing with people all day at work when that's not your favorite thing, I'd say find an activity to replace eating. I know, easier said than done. Find some good movies to watch that will distract you. Hang out with us on MFP. SOMETHING, to distract you from your workday.

    Hang in there.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Keep the bad stuff out of the house. My weakness is crisps so I don't buy them as if they aren't there I can't eat them! If you do get cravings then have a big glass of water and wait for 30-45mins and see how you feel, distract yourself with something (go for a run/walk whatever you can) and keep some easy pre portioned healthy alternatives to hand so you can just as easily grab 100 kcal worth of nuts than a chocolate bar.

    Most of all though is not to beat yourself up over it. If you do blow out at lunch then get straight back on track and lighten the calories for dinner, don't have the thought that its stuffed up already today so I may as well just carry on and eat rubbish.

    Well done on your achievements so far. You can do this, go on and make yourself proud :-)
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    I have mfp as one of my homepage tabs on both my home and work computers, plus I have the app on my BlackBerry. It's in front of my face wherever I go as a reminder (yes, that's my secret to logging in daily without fail for 95+ days so far!). After three months of this, it's become a habit and I may slip sometimes and not exercise or overeat or something, but the next day I'm right back to it, and I've really enjoyed the results I'm getting.

    I'm not saying it's easy, but it's a decision that only YOU can make for yourself. I'm a mom and I think I'm too young to have blood-pressure troubles. Well, back in January I had a bit of a scare...that and I realized I was heavier than when I was full-term with my daughter (2nd child). That was a huge shock to me and gave me the incentive to make sure Mommy will be around for her kids for decades to come.

    Find your motivation and dangle it in front of yourself. You CAN do this.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I was good all day with my urges and when i came home tonight from work it just all went out the window... with me my food urges just get too strong...

    I struggled with this too bro - I did the math and decided it was cheaper to ditch EVERYTHING that I shouldn't eat and buy only what I should in order to keep myself on target...
    When I get stuff for the kids it is SUCH a struggle some days to stay out of it, but I just look at the picture of myself and the kids from a year ago then look at myself today and think wow - and I'm only half way there... :)

    The other thing I've done is to fill my time with other stuff so I don't get home as early (worked out from 4:30 to 6:30 today for example before heading home) switching up the "lifestyle" so that it wasn't like it used to be also helped me not to munch on crud so much either...

    The other posters are right when they talk about choices, and just because you struggle doesn't mean some sort of "problem" with you - just remember the process is ongoing and it WILL get easier over time!

    Let us know if we can help in any way - we'd love to be a support for you!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    We all hit a slump now and then so please don't give up. Look how far you've come! You've been doing great.
    I was a terrible muncher who even ate two dinners plus a sandwich at night. Since I've been here it's all changed,
    I've found since I've been here and along with a lot of computer stuff I do, I can't eat and type so I don't think of snacking. Make sure you're eating nourishing foods and a snack is ok if it's healthy.
    We're all here for you!
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    I think anyone who struggles with weight can relate to your problem. Instead of thinking how often you overate, think of how often you stick to your goals. If you had one good day, it was one more than you would have if you didn't make any changes at all. Then try to commit to increasing the number of good days because it makes you feel better. I know i often have a bad day and think i will never be able to lose the weight. Then I suck it up, realize I have accomplished something good- even if it is just commiting to try harder- and move on. Don't let the negative thoughts linger!
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    You've lost 1/3 of your total body weight. Do you know what an accomplishment that is?

    I would ask if you're eating out of boredom or emotional eating, or if you're really hungry? (It's certainly not habit after this amount of time.)

    Perhaps you need to "take a vacation". Allow yourself to NOT lose weight for a while. But so you don't just fall back into bad old habits, set yourself limits, and make healthy substitutions. And make it fun to eat healthy!

    Splurge on food. Even with food prices high, you won't spend as much buying the "fancy stuff", and preparing it yourself as you would if you ate out. Buy what you really like, as long as it is still healthy, and completely change up your diet.

    Salt-free roasted cashews instead of lowfat peanut butter.
    Fresh mushrooms, cooked veggies, squash, low sodium vegetable juice instead of salad greens.
    Try a new kind of lowfat or fat free cheese.

    Learn a new cuisine. Buy a cookbook from another culture, and challenge yourself to make healthy substitutions to create a whole new food genre.

    God bless you; hang in there.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You can do one of two things:

    A) Keep the tempting stuff out of the house. Have healthy snacks on hand to grab when a craving hits. Or find healthier alternatives to the "bad" snacks you want to eat.

    B) Eat whatever it is you are craving - just eat 1 serving size of it. Log it and move on.

    I've managed to find a lot of healthier alternatives to the stuff I reallly love (like Reese's peanut butter cups - I replaced them with Skinny Cow crisps that are peanut butter and chocolate.. half the calories, only 8g of sugar and delicious!). Every once in awhile, I will get a craving for something else - like licorice. I go ahead and eat it because honestly? I'll eat 300 calories trying to curb the craving. In my experience, better to eat it and use up the small amount of calories than to try and ignore it and eat double or triple in other stuff (and the craving is still there!).

    This is a journey that takes time, patience and a little bit of leeway with ourselves. This doesn't mean go out and gorge, but we didn't get heavy overnight -- we have to give ourselves time to adjust to this new way of life.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    If you're hungry, eat. Then go for a jog, or some other form of exercise to compensate. It's hard initially, but you don't have to suffer, provided you're willing and able to put the work in to offset the calories.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Add fiber and drink more water. Any urges after that are purely mental.