Things I'm Learning...

~ I cannot change where i've been...but i can change where i am now and where i'm going in the future.
~ Calorie Cycling means strategically eating more calories one day, and less the does NOT mean binging one day and starving yourself the next, to make up for it.
~ You cannot depend on your friends or your boyfriend or your family to make your choices for you. They can be your biggest supporters and your biggest enemies, all at the same time.
~ If it tastes really good, it probably has too many calories...or sugar...or both....
~ You have to really want it, or you'll constantly make excuses for why you can't do it!!
~ Just because the USDA recommends a certain number of fruit servings a day, doesn't mean you should listen if you're restricting your diet, because fruit sugars count on your waistline!!
~ There is high fructose corn syrup in EVERYTHING!
~ When you think you've drank enough water for the day, add one more glass!
~ It's expensive to eat healthy...fresh produce is expensive and processed garbage is super affordable!...which is why so many poor people are fat and so many rich people are skinny...
~ Just when you think you have a hold on your calories, you realize you're eating too much sodium...and then when you get that under control, you realize you're getting too much sugar...and the circle continues...
~ Sometimes you have to take a step back, to take a step forward...
~ Every small success is worth the struggle to reach it...


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    ~ There is high fructose corn syrup in EVERYTHING!

    ~ It's expensive to eat healthy...fresh produce is expensive and processed garbage is super affordable!...which is why so many poor people are fat and so many rich people are skinny...
    ~ Just when you think you have a hold on your calories, you realize you're eating too much sodium...and then when you get that under control, you realize you're getting too much sugar...and the circle continues...

    ~No HFCS in whole fruits and veggies. You can find organic breads with none. Many pastas that are whole grain have none, look for organic.

    ~See I am so excited to be able to eat healthy and cheaply. Tonight I had ORGANIC red potatos, steamed, with olive oil (1 tsp) and spices, and Steamers Brussel Sprouts, and one One Natures Chick Sausage, Red Pepper and Garlic
    The potatos were $3.99 for 3 lbs - I used 150g, so 1/10th bag = $.39
    The steamers were $2 a bag - I used 25% of the bag - .$.50
    The Sausages were $3.50 for 4 pieces - I used one = $.87
    I did use 1 tsp EVOO, which, pffffffft, I'm not going to figure out how much it was......insignificant!!

    So that meal cost me about $1.76 (plus $.20 for spices//olive oil, so less than $2.00)

    TRight at about 400 calories. You don't want to eat more than that!!

    ~ I will agree on the nutrients, though :laugh: wait till you start trying to make your vitamins and electrolytes line up.....:noway:

    It is a Rubik-Cube from He!!.

    Good luck, you have some great points!

  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Well said...thank you.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    That was awesome! And so true.
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    love it!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Especially in terms of getting in your workouts and eating right. You start acting like them when they slip, then they act like you when you slip...and its all downhill from there.

    ~ You cannot depend on your friends or your boyfriend or your family to make your choices for you. They can be your biggest supporters and your biggest enemies, all at the same time.
  • tsomo
    tsomo Posts: 44
    ~ Sometimes you have to take a step back, to take a step forward...

    I love this:flowerforyou:
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428

    ~ There is high fructose corn syrup in EVERYTHING!

    ~ It's expensive to eat healthy...fresh produce is expensive and processed garbage is super affordable!...which is why so many poor people are fat and so many rich people are skinny...
    ~ Just when you think you have a hold on your calories, you realize you're eating too much sodium...and then when you get that under control, you realize you're getting too much sugar...and the circle continues...

    ~No HFCS in whole fruits and veggies. You can find organic breads with none. Many pastas that are whole grain have none, look for organic.

    ~See I am so excited to be able to eat healthy and cheaply. Tonight I had ORGANIC red potatos, steamed, with olive oil (1 tsp) and spices, and Steamers Brussel Sprouts, and one One Natures Chick Sausage, Red Pepper and Garlic
    The potatos were $3.99 for 3 lbs - I used 150g, so 1/10th bag = $.39
    The steamers were $2 a bag - I used 25% of the bag - .$.50
    The Sausages were $3.50 for 4 pieces - I used one = $.87
    I did use 1 tsp EVOO, which, pffffffft, I'm not going to figure out how much it was......insignificant!!

    So that meal cost me about $1.76 (plus $.20 for spices//olive oil, so less than $2.00)

    TRight at about 400 calories. You don't want to eat more than that!!

    ~ I will agree on the nutrients, though :laugh: wait till you start trying to make your vitamins and electrolytes line up.....:noway:

    It is a Rubik-Cube from He!!.

    Good luck, you have some great points!


    i agree with eating healthy doesnt always have to be expensive... looks for sales and good deals and if you plan your meals wisely you'll be fine... i'll tell you before i switched to eating healthy i spent MORE on garbage food because not only did i buy it at the store but if i didnt feel like eating what we had at the house i'd get fast food... so i went from an average of $250 per 2 weeks to $150 per 2 weeks (with food left over) and i get home cooked meals that i can eat off of for a couple days! well worth the switch :) as for the sugar intake ANYTHING in excess is bad for you, the key, is balance :)