Bf's sugar and salt

I recently started tracking my other half's food just to see how good or bad he was...with his permission of course. He is in good shape and doesn't need to gain or loose weight but we all know that its whats happening in the inside. I noticed he was going way over on his sugar and salt, sugar from snacking on biscuits and cakes yes but when he limited his self to one snack a day the sugar was still going over because there's sugar in everything, like bread and cereals etc, the sodium shocked me because there is so much in his sandwiches (he has large lunches because he does a very physical job)...not added by us....My question is should we worry about it or not? If he goes over on his sugar by 5 is that really bad?


  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Since reading about sodium and how unhealthy it is I've also noticed my boyfriend having a LOT of salt on his food. I haven't started tracking everything he eats because I think he would feel like I was doing it unnecessarily as he doesn't need to lose weight or do anything.
    His dad passed away 10 years ago from a heart attack and I read that so much sodium can lead to heart attacks and strokes. This is was brought the salt intake to my attention. I've asked him to notice his salt intake but don't want to keep bringing it up.
    Should I also be worried?

    I don't think going over sugar by 5 is too bad to be honest. If it's like 100 over then yeah that's bad.
    I think the thing to worry about is sodium!

    I noticed the other day after buying the same pack of wafer thin sandwich meat from Tesco, one chicken slices and one turkey slices that the turkey contained 600mg per slice (they are wafer thin!!) and the chicken only contained 0.2mg!
    I only started buying and eating turkey because I thought it was healthier than chicken but when you look at those stats I'm not buying it again.
  • ButcherBob
    ButcherBob Posts: 1

    I noticed the other day after buying the same pack of wafer thin sandwich meat from Tesco, one chicken slices and one turkey slices that the turkey contained 600mg per slice (they are wafer thin!!) and the chicken only contained 0.2mg!
    I only started buying and eating turkey because I thought it was healthier than chicken but when you look at those stats I'm not buying it again.

    I did the same thing with kingsmill bread and hovis...noticed only after I bought two loafs that in his two sandwiches a day there is 680mg...really couldnt believe soon as they are gone...never again! If it wasn't for the bread he wouldn't be over by around 300-500 all the time.

    I thought the same thing about turkey...I guess we are all forever learning.
  • xNightguestx
    xNightguestx Posts: 75 Member
    ButcherBob is me lol, I signed in to check the bread stats and forgot to switch back!!! Silly
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Oh I didn't know that about bread!
    As soon as you said that I had to check the bread I've got which is Hovis Best of Both (my boyfriend likes white while I buy brown for the healthier side of things)
    It has 0.17mg of sodium in each slice so I guess not too bad at all. I'll definitely stick to Best of Both now I know it's ok. :)