plateau/no Carbs/14 day cutter experiment



  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    Stronger smelling urine is a sign that you are in ketosis. Your breath is also suppose to smell fruity or something( obviosly ive never spelt it on my breath lol) So it's a good thing. Just remember to continue to drink lots of water!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    jil, I mean I was a little loopy but nothing too major that I couldn't handle. I was just ranting
    Sorry to hear about your results. Maybe you can stry again? If not try doing no fat for 2 weeks. Anything, something to switch it up. Sometimes we just have to sit back, think about it hard and say....................I am doing a fine job, I eat better, I live better and I am working out and living healthier. We get so wrapped up in the diet/weight loss and forget we are 10X healthier then the avg person. Stay motivated becasue its just you vs time and in time you will achieve.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    reading more and more

    My pee is wicked yellow and stinky, I do taste metal in my mouth. Could jsut be from coffee and I have def dizzy.
    I hope I am in ketosis

    How do you guys do this for so long? I know people that actually live there lives like this

    That's not simply keto, that's more the effects of dehydration. Drink A LOT of water when eating anywhere below 50g carbs/daily. Make sure not to overdo caffeine because it will affect you much more.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    marlin, I drank 5 33.9 oz of seltzers yesterday. I had to get about 4-5 glasses of real water too. I am a water buffalo!

    Yesterday was an odd day for counting. I am using a baked ham for one of my meals every single day and I am unsure how my father cooked it. I am sure there are carbs in it but I am unsure how many. I also made a low carb ch cake that I had to have last night (6.5) carbs. I know I was under 50 but am unsure if I was under 40. I guess somwhere between 40-50 is where I landed. I would have no problem at all staying aroudn 20 if it wasn't for my post workout shake that has 25 g of simple sugar carbs for insulin and recovery. I skipped it today. Heading to Balt for yankee game, we know what a night out can do. Being prepared. I also brought in like 8 meals today for the ride there and back. I weighed in and saw like .3 lb difference from Tuesday. I feel so light I thought I would have went from 182.9 to 180 by now but I don't want to rush, again I feel my body changing. I just hope pops ham doesn't screw me from getting into ketosis.

    Last night my tasty treat I made was what I dubbed POWER CUPS! lol
    8 Whole Eggs
    3 pieces of Turkey Bacon
    4 tbsp of Heavy Creme
    3 pieces of Cheese

    I seperated into 12 cupcake containers. Pretty tasty. I miight make 24 of them friday and just bang those things all weekend.

    My advice to everyone.

    This is so much easier when organized and prepared. My fridge has no room in it and the first 4 days have been easy just because I plan my eating 1 day in advance and I coooked for the week.

    gotta go out and get those sticks

    FYI I don't feel like I am tripping on acid yet. So that is good
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Barney, how does caffeine affect you?? I have about 2 cups a day and have every single day so far.
    Do I cut down?
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Really enjoyed reading through the posts, thank you for sharing and good luck.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Barney, how does caffeine affect you?? I have about 2 cups a day and have every single day so far.
    Do I cut down?

    About 1 8-12 ounce cup /day with coconut milk and 1 pkt stevia in the morning - between 6 and 8 am. I used to drink 2 cups in the morning of this size but noticed it was too much.

    I've noticed if I have it later in the afternoon it will affect me MUCH more with jitters and dizziness.

    I do drink a couple cups of herbal or green tea during the day, unsweetened and noticed doing this has helped me cut back on my coffee intake. And water! Lots of water. Water has helped the metallic breath issues, though I'm around the 30-40g/total per day carb level on most days.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I am currently addicted to whipping cream in my coffee, just makes the fat guy in me so happy!!
    I add that in my nightly tea with a splenda and its a nice treat.

    Something I forgot was I went over my cals 2 nights in a row. by 215 Tue and last night by 292. I still stayed under consuming 2000 calories for the day. at 1560 cals I lose 1.5 lbs and at 1800 cals I lose 1 lb a week. I am still losing but if I ate the way I did last night I would probably lose only .5 lbs a week.

    So the question is, should I be concerned with cal counting as much as I am concerned with carb counting?
    I am not by any means going to blow the doors off, las night I could have skipped the cheese cake but I really wanted it and thought I am under my carbs why not.

    I know most people that do this jsut have a damn free for all with cals while just staying low carbs
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am currently addicted to whipping cream in my coffee, just makes the fat guy in me so happy!!
    I add that in my nightly tea with a splenda and its a nice treat.

    Something I forgot was I went over my cals 2 nights in a row. by 215 Tue and last night by 292. I still stayed under consuming 2000 calories for the day. at 1560 cals I lose 1.5 lbs and at 1800 cals I lose 1 lb a week. I am still losing but if I ate the way I did last night I would probably lose only .5 lbs a week.

    So the question is, should I be concerned with cal counting as much as I am concerned with carb counting?
    I am not by any means going to blow the doors off, las night I could have skipped the cheese cake but I really wanted it and thought I am under my carbs why not.

    I know most people that do this jsut have a damn free for all with cals while just staying low carbs

    Its all about the calories. Being in ketosis is so overated.

    To reach your goal, have no carbs until evening and then have a moderate carb intake (100-150gms). Spike one day with more calories and lots of carbs and you will break your plateu.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I feel great, I feel light. Low carbs I can tell is working arlready for me. Different things different people. This experiement is 40 carbs or less for 14 days. If I see results I continue to tilI get to 170 if I don't I change it up, and maybe the change might be post workout carb intake none all day and then bang a 100 carb dinner. Might be interesting.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member

    Nice transformation bro. Respect
    Do you know your BF?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I feel great, I feel light. Low carbs I can tell is working arlready for me. Different things different people. This experiement is 40 carbs or less for 14 days.

    Sounds like you have experienced a metabolic shift. It is no doubt true that some people perform better running off fatty acids than glucose. Elevated ketones can help reduce hunger and cravings.

    However, I generally believe like 4theking that a SKD is overrated on a physiological (as opposed to psychological level) for anyone who is seriously looking at body recomp (in other words changing the ratio of muscle to fat that they have in their bodies.) For your average, sedentary, non active guy or gal it might work quite well. You will drop a lot of weight initially but that will be mostly water (and some fat.) However, because there is a clear difference on the scale and on some degree the way you look this then promotes stronger dietary adherence. In other words it encourages you to stick in a calorie deficit (the real marker) for longer meaning a greater loss overall. It works because you believe it will work.

    Now, TKDs or CKDs on the other hand combine the best of both worlds if you are cutting. Basically, I would either incorporate the suggestions made by 4theking or have periodic carb up days every 3 or 4 days. You can't keep your glycogen levels depleted for a long term basis without undermining any heavy weight training you are doing. Now, I am talking purely about efficiency terms here. You will definitely still see results doing what you are currently but not as much if you tweak it a bit.

    If you want a very good overview of this area read Lyle McDonald's "The Ketogenic Diet." Start off on the right foot and you will get much further if you are committed to this way of eating.

    Good luck mate.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member

    Nice transformation bro. Respect
    Do you know your BF?

    Thank you! Really not sure on bodyfat. Still want to lose another 12-15lbs. Losing weekly. Trying to get really lean.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    What are your stats currently?

    You seem to have a good recipe. Have you lost any stregnth alot the way? Gotten stronger?
    The part of my transformation that Ihave loved is I seem to be getting stronger as I get leaner and my overall appearance has changed as well. Sometimes the good ole mirror is better then the scale.

    Can't wait to weigh in monday I have a feeling a 7 might be the middle of the first and third numbers. 17*. I haven't seen that in a decade I bet
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    What are your stats currently?

    You seem to have a good recipe. Have you lost any stregnth alot the way? Gotten stronger?
    The part of my transformation that Ihave loved is I seem to be getting stronger as I get leaner and my overall appearance has changed as well. Sometimes the good ole mirror is better then the scale.

    Can't wait to weigh in monday I have a feeling a 7 might be the middle of the first and third numbers. 17*. I haven't seen that in a decade I bet

    6' 204lbs. I weigh in tomorrow and expect to be down another pound. I have gotten stronger every workout on at least one lift five months straight.

    Keep up the good work and good luck hitting your goal!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for the link to Martin. That absorbed my morning! I love this guy
    I can't stop reading about his philosiphies

    Care to share any info on him?
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    Well, this is all very interesting. I would like to follow your progress. Good luck!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Went to Baltimore to see my yanks. Beautiful town and Stadium. I wish it was crappy out.

    I went there with 0 carbs.
    I went to dinner had rockfish and lump crab and 5 waters. I then went to the stadium and had boogs meat. WOW. all I can say is wow. Meat awesome, I think at this pt I had my first carb, about 2-3 tablespoons of bbq sauce. This is where it becomes a challenge. WhenmI am home i my element this stuff is easy. But go out in to the real world and I feel and look like an alien. The look on the waiters face when I mentioned carb when asking opinions was classic, and then your fellow dinner mates are like o god heres this guy...............Just funnny. Then starbucks for the ride home........I really enjoyed the tasty coffee but I couldn't help think, did they really use heavy whippping cream? Was it cream? Did I just have 14 carbs did I just have njo carbs??????


    All in all I think I did well, I def ate under my cals and I think I was under 40 carbs. But I didn't cook nor did I really know if I was under either. I hate fat america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel solid today. Smashed a 3 whole eggs, 3 slices turkey bacon and 2 slices of cheese. I normally don't eat at home because I go to the gym in the morning and my first meal is a shake but I had a big breafast. I'll hit gym later in the day to get some extra cals.

  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    You've been doing well. Keep it up
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I am still doing no carb, I got side tracked with reading about IF life. OMG

    I am now doing Intermitten Fasting with no carbs. To tell you the truth I Am doign well on it but I Don't like not having my fruits and veggies. I lost almost 2 lbs since doing it and I look forward to a weigh in sunday to see what I end up at. Sunday I believe I will break it and eat fruit and veggies all day long, or maybe just a controlled amount per say.

    Thanks for checking in