Low calories?


ok yes I have lost a lot of weight and know for the last 2-3months I have lost nothing, I also in those last months raised my calorie level because of my workouts. I was eating 1500cals a day and maintaining. I am 5'4" 157lbs and lightly active. Now before these months I was eating a very low calorie, low carb diet 1000-1200cals a day and not eating exercise cals. I also own a body BUGG and that tells me I burn with no exercise 2100 cals a day How can this be. I have lost all my weight being at the low calorie amount and have maintain at the higher calorie amount. I think my body is confused. I have not lost inches either. Anyone else out their have this happen. I lowered my cals to 1300 to see if it makes a difference and will just keep playing with it until I start loosing again. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!


  • dendra7
    dendra7 Posts: 113 Member
    I think you'll just have to keep fiddling with food and workouts until it budges again. (**well aware you don't want to hear that or what is going to follow**) Your body may need time to adjust to the new weight for a couple weeks. Carefully log what you are doing- especially where those calories are coming from (ie. protein, carb, fat ratio). You have done AMAZING and you CAN and WILL crack this code too.