i need some serious help, please!!

so heres the thing..... monday-friday i do GREAT with breakfast, lunch and my mid-afternoon snack and most of the time my dinner, but when it comes to weekends its all downhill from there. not even the entrire weekend, just saturday NIGHTS and sunday. i workout tuesday-saturday because my bf is off sunday and monday and thats really the only time i get to spend with him (yeah, thats my excuse. ugh) saturday is all good... i workout, clean, eat dinner, finish cleaning and by the time evening/night comes around i snack and eat out of boredom. on sundays we usually order pizza or some other kind of take out and i cant control it. last night i had 3 cookies... yes 3 cookies!!! some of you will say, its ok just start over... i do start over the very next meal, but i always lose track again. some weeks are great and some arent so great. im not over eating to the point im gaining my weight back, but im not losing much or none at all. i dont want to be like this... i want to eat healthy all the time. how do i do it without slipping up every weekend?!!?


  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    You have to just choose to. Keep easy to make meals for the weekends. Lean cuisines work well. Or on Saturday, set up a crock pot and make a 2 day meal so you don't have to cook Sundays. As for the snacking, you need to get rid of the junk and keep good snacks in the house. I keep snapea crisps, whole grain crackers and laughing cow cheese around. I also keep a bowl of premade salad in the fridge. I think you might just want convient food on the weekends...so fill your pantry with it.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I eat slightly less in the week, or dont eat back all my exercise calories in the week, so as I can have more on the weekend :smile: Look up zig-zagging your calories - lots of threads on that on here
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have to agree with Tammy. Eating well is something you have to choose to do 7 days a week. Don't get me wrong we as a family might order pizza out 1x a month. On that night I have a big green salad first. Then when I do have pizza I cut a slice in half. I'ts just enough to fill my urge for good pizza. Eathing healthy 5 days a week and then going crazy junk food on the weekends is counter productive. :(. You'll have to find a happy medium. Good luck to you!! You can do it! )
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    The way I look at it, if you are good the 5 out of 7 days, it's ok. Just make sure to get some exercise in there to burn it off. If we were good 100% of the time we'd never be totally satisfied. The weekend keep us balabnce if ya ask me!:smile:
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I keep bags of frozen shrimp in the freezer. 5 bucks at Wal Mart. They make great shrimp cocktails. Keep cut up carrots, celery and lo-cal ranch dip in your frig. Whole wheat crackers and lo-cal Laughing Cow spreads are great too. Think high protein and lo-cal. Just make a few adjustments of what you buy at the store and keep in the house and that should help.
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    you have to continue to pushyourself and by all means don't beat up yourself. i eat balanced meals all week long. i try not to have a cheat day because i tend tobuild upon the cheating concept.there is nothing wrong with a treat... i do that monthly however the best approach is to drink lots of water, and find something else to do.

    and make smaller substitutions. i used to eat a lot of chips and cookies.

    i started my subs as:

    fat and salty chips / now lays or natural chips occassionally
    cookies / now i eat ginger cookies
    cookies / eat apples , oranges, bananas, etc.

    You can find what works foryou. I find what works for me best is to ask myself if i am hungry and some times I am not, i'm bored,upset or dealing with stress.

    Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    How about different options besides take-out? I love the crock-pot meal idea - you guys can still spend the whole day together and when it's time for dinner you can still relax because it's all taken care of. Or cook a meal together, or go to Subway, or go get a big bag salad and a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store. There are so many other easy options out there...

    Hubby and I have take-out at least once a week but I try to balance it out by staying on target with calories and getting exercise in at least 5 days a week and so far that's working. Pizza is tough to control (try going with thin crust and veggies only) but if you do chinese or thai food, sometimes you can get more healthy options depending on the place.

    As far as your boredom eating goes, make sure you only have healthy/light options available - fruits, veggies, nuts and lite popcorn snack bags. And find a way to fight that boredom - read, do crafts, take a bath, even pop in a work-out DVD...
  • AniMarieSt
    AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
    Have you talked to your boyfriend about no longer ordering out? Is he supportive of your losing weight? Why not try popping a healthier low-calorie frozen pizza into the oven? Keep cookies out of the house. Try carrots instead when you find yourself snacking out of boredom. It's little changes like that which I've found make a huge difference.

    ~ Joanna
  • spirited_angel
    The way I look at it, if you are good the 5 out of 7 days, it's ok. Just make sure to get some exercise in there to burn it off. If we were good 100% of the time we'd never be totally satisfied. The weekend keep us balabnce if ya ask me!:smile:
    Completly agree!!If we are good 100% of teh time it would get very boring and tedious!!Aslong as ya doing good workouts all week and even try going walking with ya partner at weekends maybe?? then it should be ok!!I dont agree with the ya should be good all the time 24/7 i lost 12st having saturdays off,but i do bust my gut all week!!And if this zigzaggin is as good a stehy say aint that what ya doing anyway!!Ya been good all week but upping ya cals weekends!!And 3 cookies hun is small fry to some ppl!!But i understand where ya coming from!!Can ya try to be better sundays??rather than treating both days just try the one!!