The "IT Monster"

emeraldpearl Posts: 60 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I was just wondering if anybody on MFP has had experience with the "IT MONSTER".
Just the other day I had a craving for something and I couldn’t put my finger on it. So I went to the cupboard to find the food I was looking for. I saw some gram crackers. After eating a lot of them I said to myself "that’s not IT"...Sooo I went to something else, ate it and said to my self, "that’s not it". I went to the refrigerator and found an ice cream cone, I ate it then said, " that's not it.” Oh my god I can't find it. I had no idea what it was or where it was. After consuming at least 1000 calories I decided that I was not going to find it. The It Monster had struck again...So I went to sleep....


  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I get like that. It's so annoying wonderign round the kitchen opening cupboards, the fridge and freezer over and over trying to find what it it.

    I have learnt now that if i'm not 100% what i'm staring at is IT then keep looking, don't eat it.
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Oh My Gosh! I get the IT MONSTER! It is a terrible thing! What do you do about it? I may go for a walk, brush my teeth but IT comes back!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Definitely been there! My worst habit is "grazing" like this when I get home from work or right before bed. I still struggle with it almost every day. I try to just limit myself to healthy snacks that I've already logged in MFP - a string cheese, an apple, maybe an occasional piece of chocolate. I'd love to hear other's suggestions for ways to beat this!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I've been through the same thing. Lots of times. I try to sit down and really concentrate on what my body is trying to tell me because I just thought that's why that happens............however, I guess my body talks in languages I don't understand sometimes (teehee)
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    The IT MONSTER got me good yesterday. Sisters brought baked goods & after that IT was all over me... I am beginning to think the IT MONSTER is insulin spikes...If I stay away from the high carb stuff I seem to be ok.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I get this way too.. the other day I woke up from a nap, grabbed a bag of Jalapeno Jack Sun Chips (called "mommy chips" in our house ["daddy chips" are sour cream and cheddar ruffles]), and just started munching. I had only intended to have a few, but my husband walked in five minutes later and asked, "What are you doing?!" I replied, "I don't know.. I can't help it.." so he grabbed the bag from me and put it back in its place beside the microwave. Luckily, he caught me before I got much more than a serving, but it still made me go over my planned calories for the day.

    From now on, when I get the IT monster, I'm going to see how well he can swim and flush him away with water until I figure out what IT is or until IT goes away! I'll let you know how it turns out.
  • sharaleeb
    sharaleeb Posts: 32
    I've heard cheese helps curb cravings so I try a string cheese and when that doesn't work I stick some minty gum in my mouth and chug water hoping the feeling will go away and the try to distract myself either by playing games with the kiddos or taking a walk or something like that, it doesn't always help and I sometimes I give in but knowing I have to add those calories into MFP (and the weight that comes along with it) usually helps me keep IT away from my mouth... I'm curious to see what others suggest too! This is definately something I struggle with every day!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Funny how that works - we've had these bodies for decades & still don't know the language ;D
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    Oh honey, I'm an IT Monster expert. :) Here are my suggestions:

    -force yourself to drink a big glass of water (at least 8 oz) and wait 20 minutes before eating anything. Very often a craving is actually your body telling you it's dehydrated.

    -if after the water and a 20 minute wait you still think you're hungry, do the test to see if your body is needing food, or if you just feel like eating: offer yourself a carrot, celery sticks, or any other fresh veggie of choice. (cause let's be honest, who craves a carrot?!?) If you don't want that, you're probably not really in need of any nutrients. You might be bored or sad or lonely or just in the habit of eating. In this case, do something to combat what you're really dealing with. If you're bored, go do something (preferably something you like to do)! If you're sad or lonely, call a friend and talk about it or write a letter to your grandma or aunt or best friend. If you're just in the habit of eating, remind yourself that habits can be changed, starting NOW!

    -finally, sometimes all logic fails us. In this case, choose ONE thing that you're going to eat, and only eat one SERVING of it. That way, in two hours when you're regretting your choice, at least you'll only be regretting a limited amount of one food, rather than a 1000-calorie binge.

    Best of luck fighting the monster!
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    I get this way too.. the other day I woke up from a nap, grabbed a bag of Jalapeno Jack Sun Chips (called "mommy chips" in our house ["daddy chips" are sour cream and cheddar ruffles]), and just started munching. I had only intended to have a few, but my husband walked in five minutes later and asked, "What are you doing?!" I replied, "I don't know.. I can't help it.." so he grabbed the bag from me and put it back in its place beside the microwave. Luckily, he caught me before I got much more than a serving, but it still made me go over my planned calories for the day.

    From now on, when I get the IT monster, I'm going to see how well he can swim and flush him away with water until I figure out what IT is or until IT goes away! I'll let you know how it turns out.

    This story makes me like your husband. :) I need a chip-snatcher at my house! :)
  • emeraldpearl
    emeraldpearl Posts: 60 Member
    Thanx everybody i will try n e thing
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