Plateau ended because of a buffet!

Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
edited 4:14AM in Food and Nutrition
I had been in a plateau for over two months and could not figure out why! Sunday for Mother's Day I ate at a buffet. I did not log ANYTHING and ate whatever I wanted (pretty much everything). Today and yesterday (Monday & Tuesday), I have lost 2.1 pounds combined since eating at the buffet!! I hadn't lost weight in a LONG time sticking to the program.

My theory is that my metabolism was completely shot because there is only so long that a person can eat 1200-1500 calories a day without their metabolism disappearing. Even when I would give myself a cheat meal I found it was a "controlled" cheat meal and I was really not going over that much. I think my body was in calorie shock and needed to be reminded that there are calories available.

Just thought I would share!


  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    I would agree with you. After about a three week stall, I increased my calories by 500 for three weeks and that seemed to jumpstart my weight loss again. So, I think there's something to the "eat more to lose" idea. Good for you!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    This is EXACTALLY how I came over my 2 plataues. WTG!!!
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    It's so scary though - when you are desperate to lose weight, to even think of eating *more* to lose!

    Well done, congrats on your loss and thanks so much for reinforcing to us all that existing on tiny amounts of food can definitely be counter-productive to weight loss

  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Way to go!!! I have found that there is a certain calorie range I need to be in to lose weight---1400-1700. Any less, I don't lose weight, any more, I don't lose weight. I can exercise a lot or a little, but unless I consume in that range, nothing happens at all.
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    off to a buffet i go then! :bigsmile:
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I agree!! i just posted a blog about this. I also had a 2lb loss this week!! good for you!!
  • susancelli928
    susancelli928 Posts: 190
    I agree totally with that statement.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Same thing happen to me isn't it amazing how that works! Now I try to up the calories one day a week just keep giving it a shock!
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    thats how i broke my 5 week plateau.. such a simple idea, eat more to lose more.. who woulda thought :drinker:
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I totally agree with you my weight loss was stalled until I started eating more, it's a hard concept sometimes to wrap your head around when your trying so hard & counting calories that eating more & high calorie meals once in awhile is NOT the enemy, great job with your weight loss!
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    Maybe I need to eat more then!! I have not lost anything in a few weeks, even GAINED 2 lbs, and I have been staying under and working out like crazy! It is scary to allow yourself to eat more after trying to stay under a certain amount though... I feel like if I have one day where I eat whatever, I am going to wake up 5 lbs heavier.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    "My theory is that my metabolism was completely shot because there is only so long that a person can eat 1200-1500 calories a day without their metabolism disappearing."

    Please don't think that. It's scientifically impossible. If you are getting all the nutrients, working out, eating every few hours, your body will be fired up and burning all day long.

    If you are not following the plan MFP has set up for you (in order to lose the pound/week) it's not going to work. If you're under the set calories too many days/weeks in a row your body is going to NOT lose that pound/week. Weight watchers is set up the same way. There's a lot of posts on here as great resources if you are interested.

    Congrats on losing! Just don't ever think that your metabolism can disappear!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Maybe I need to eat more then!! I have not lost anything in a few weeks, even GAINED 2 lbs, and I have been staying under and working out like crazy! It is scary to allow yourself to eat more after trying to stay under a certain amount though... I feel like if I have one day where I eat whatever, I am going to wake up 5 lbs heavier.

    Don't STAY UNDER. That's not how the program works. You have to eat back the calories you burn working out. Weight watchers works the same way. Your calories/day already have a deficit on MFP. It's built in. If you work out daily (as I do) you can spread your calories out during the day. You cannot run at a deficit on here and lose that pound/week. You just can't. You're doing more harm than good and your body is in starvation mode. You may lose weight quick in starvation mode but the minute you stop, it's all back on. There's a lot of posts on here that are great resources if you are interested.

    You will not lose if you operate on a deficit. I know it sounds backwards.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I have been stuck at the same weight now for the last 2 weeks.
    A little bit frustrating.

    I have been up and down with my calories anywhere between 1500 and 2500 on weekends between easter and mothers days get togethers. I was sort of hoping that these larger meals would kick start things but nothing.....:grumble:

    I am just going to keep on with the plan and I am certain eventually the pounds will start falling off again.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Good for you!! I am going to try this too. But, I am so afraid of overeating now. I DO NOT want to go back to where i was.. ever ever again.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I ate at a buffet on Sunday for Mother's day - come on WEIGHT LOSS! :laugh:
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    "My theory is that my metabolism was completely shot because there is only so long that a person can eat 1200-1500 calories a day without their metabolism disappearing."

    Please don't think that. It's scientifically impossible. If you are getting all the nutrients, working out, eating every few hours, your body will be fired up and burning all day long.

    If you are not following the plan MFP has set up for you (in order to lose the pound/week) it's not going to work. If you're under the set calories too many days/weeks in a row your body is going to NOT lose that pound/week. Weight watchers is set up the same way. There's a lot of posts on here as great resources if you are interested.

    Congrats on losing! Just don't ever think that your metabolism can disappear!

    Thanks for the encouragement but everything you just said is actually not true about me. I have been eating my exercise calories (I was talking about my net calories). I have tried switching it from "lose 0.5, 1, and 2 pounds a week" to see if that would help. NOTHING helped and I followed the program to a T. I am actually a good example that my metabolism was dead.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    "My theory is that my metabolism was completely shot because there is only so long that a person can eat 1200-1500 calories a day without their metabolism disappearing."

    Please don't think that. It's scientifically impossible. If you are getting all the nutrients, working out, eating every few hours, your body will be fired up and burning all day long.

    If you are not following the plan MFP has set up for you (in order to lose the pound/week) it's not going to work. If you're under the set calories too many days/weeks in a row your body is going to NOT lose that pound/week. Weight watchers is set up the same way. There's a lot of posts on here as great resources if you are interested.

    Congrats on losing! Just don't ever think that your metabolism can disappear!

    Thanks for the encouragement but everything you just said is actually not true about me. I have been eating my exercise calories (I was talking about my net calories). I have tried switching it from "lose 0.5, 1, and 2 pounds a week" to see if that would help. NOTHING helped and I followed the program to a T. I am actually a good example that my metabolism was dead.

    Not only can a big refeed help your metabolism through boosting leptin and conversion of t4 to t3 but this also can cause a woosh effect. Eating big one day a week can cause a release of water weight called a woosh. That is why sometimes you can go weeks without losing and then lose 3-4lbs.....its the release of water.
  • muggle311
    muggle311 Posts: 14
    Yes I do this on a regular basis as my body does not feel like I am starving it and every time the weight loss shows up.
    I try to do it once a week not going totally overboard but a good solid amount of calories and at times I have also found that if I just eat my calories and forgo the exercise the same will happen.
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