Keep on Keeping on!

Abells Posts: 756 Member
I am 16lbs down now from when I started on February 6th -- I stopped drinking alcohol for 2 1/2 months and holy what a difference. I drink now but barely and learned to eat right. I trained my stomach and my head and I no longer over indulge on anything. I almost don't even need to count calories anymore cause I keep ending up under my goal and I'm not starving.

I do however need some more fitness motivation push. I want to go down 10 more pounds but need to change up my fitness. These are going to be hard to get rid of. I'm very fit but I know I can lose more. I play rugby 3 times a week but want something for my off days or something I can do in the morning and before I go to bed to make a difference somewhere.

Also -- I'd like some fitness friends! so hit me up!