Modifying high-impact cardio

noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi folks! So I've had some luck with walking at a brisk pace throughout the day, power yoga, and the Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for wii. Fun stuff, all of them. Problem is, since I've dropped some weight and gotten acclimated to the Cardio Workout (even the tough stuff), I'm not burning as many calories in the time I have to exercise.

So I checked out the Nike Training Club app and it looks fabulous in SOOOOOOOO many ways - except for the !@&* jumping. Ski jumps, squat jumps, tuck jumps... and I know these are really fantastic for cardio and calorie burning, but my knees can't take it. (Not an excuse, just a reality.) I'm dying to run again, but until I drop another ten pounds, the ol' knees will scream, and worse, they won't work the next day. Which would kinda suck, and be more than a little self-defeating. But I REALLY want to do these workouts, for no other reason than I can use my iPod for something other than the Moron Test and the MFP app, plus I can listen to my own music while I work out. Oh, and it's free.

Have you had any success with modifying these jumps, and if so, how did you do it? (I need specifics if you can offer them.) I've searched the boards here, googled ad nauseam, and youtubed my way into brainlock.


P.S. I have a Tae Bo DVD at home that will do for some days, but I'll need to switch it up once I can do the Tae Bo workout without puking.


  • mjohnson2
    mjohnson2 Posts: 2
    Let me give you my background first before I give you my thoughts that way they may make sense. On Dec. 08 I was hospitalized with high blood pressure (246/106) and heart failure. I tell you it was the grace of God and my Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ that I am alive. I weighed 343 pounds. Of course I need to lose weight. I started walking but did not feel I was burning any calories plus the medicine made feel colder so I had to do something inside, I asked my doctor about using the Tae bo fat blasting cardio workout he agreed but would not let me lift weights over 25 pounds because he was concerned about it raising my internal blood pressure. When I started I could only make it about 7 or 8 minuets. I decided that would be my goal. I prayed for strength and for the lord to help my and eventually was able to complete the workout. I too experienced what you went through and felt that I was not burning the same calories. When I started my clothes would be drenched with sweat and after I started getting "in shape" I would not sweat as much. To combat this I started using hand and ankle weights. After a while I would plateau again and I would simply change the weights and that worked for me using the same exercise program. If you are going to use the Tae bo I reccomend using the UFC weighted gloves for the punching and the dreaded speed bag and the weighted shin pad for the kicking, that way you don't have to worry about them slipping out of your hands. I got mine from Sears and Walmart has the Jillian weighted shin pads but the did not have the weighted gloves. Not to brag or anything but this and the fitness-pal app helped my lose 52 pounds as of this past Sunday.
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