
solhai Posts: 5 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself

I have been using the iPod app for MyFitnessPal for a few months after my husband picked it up. Althought it's been on and off through the hard times it's the one fitness thing that's been the easiest to keep up with and really simply keep track of what I'm doing.

I've always been a bit unfit and my life going year after year gained more and more weight past High School. Two and a half years ago I hit a climax point when I had to have my gall bladder removed 'immediately' and a realization of my lifestyle really came apparent to me.

I haven't done anything drastic. I have been working slowly to make this 'diet' what it should be - what I regularly eat and enjoy. I've made great steps in that moving from fast food, fried foods, soda, steak, meat, potatoes, no veggies into a new way of eating. I eat veggies for half of my meals typically, whole grains in bread, pasta, brown rice. Meat is small and light and I compensate nuts in for a protein here and there. I've also gone from drinking mostly Coke to Simply Lemonade for awhile to now mostly water.

I've gone from 210 pounds which it my highest weight I've taken to now around 175.

Feeling my eating habits have hit a good point I'm ready to go on to the next step and start getting into exercise which has always failed now matter how lightly I've started. I will continue to try over and over until I can get something to stick. I'm also here to make sure my eating habits don't slip beyond the sweet here and there and the special occassion.

I'm working on fitting in exercise while working on my relationship with my husband and quality time, my gaming time online, and being there for my mother as she battles cancer. I'm positive about it despite the difficulty and stress sometimes.

I won't be too vocal here, but I am saying hello. I wish everyone else the best and I thank everyone for their encouragement. This repetition and recycling until it sticks is so important for life changing.


  • acc831
    acc831 Posts: 5
    good luck! Seems like you are on the right track :o)
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