Do you really think the desire for JUNK ever goes away?



  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    For me, it is out of sight, out of mind. If I eat one cookie, I will crave cookies every day for a week. I know that, so I avoid the sweets as to curb the cravings. I noticed on your food diary (sorry for peeking) that you eat BBQ sauce often. BBQ sauce has a lot of sugar in it, which will make you crave sugary snacks. Try limiting your sugars in your food and you may find that you don't crave it as much.

    I use this system for everything. If I eat a cheesesteak or fried food, I tend to eat it all the time, but I can go months without.

    I am just not that person that can incorporate this stuff into my regular diet. I have to save these foods for special or rare occasions. You tend to not feel deprived after a while and then eventually you don't miss it at all. I don't feel deprived anymore, and the "diet" foods are just now "food" for me.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    But nothing tastes as good, as skinny feels right?!

    That depends on what your focus is. If you're focusing on only being skinny, than there probably isn't any food that is worth eating. And that's how people develop eating disorders...

    But if your focus is on being healthy all kinds of healthy foods will taste amazing and they will be worth it because they make your body healthier.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I think the intense craving goes away, but you may still want something that is junk food to fulfill a need.
    Me, I drove through McDonald's for a soda and could not stand the smell of the greasy food at all. But, when I am recovering from a migraine, I want the chicken nugget meal and give in to that.
    Personally, all of the food I eat and cook now is way better than the fast food out there.
  • Tic_Tac_Toe
    Tic_Tac_Toe Posts: 33
    I feel gross when I eat unhealthy, but every now and then the cravings come. I still eat what I want but in moderation. I have noticed I hardly ever crave fast food though, which is awesome!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    But nothing tastes as good, as skinny feels right?!

    I REALLY don't like that phrase. Something about it sounds so damn pretentious. No offense to anyone that uses it as a life motto, but it truly has this way of irking me for some reason. /wrists
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I think it does. I retrained myself to eat something healthier when I have a craving. Like if I want chocolate, I go with a super dark chocolate, or a sugar free chocolate pudding. I don't really crave salt, but when I do, I go with a few multigrain crackers ad some hummus instead of chips.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    I do love junk like chips and french fries, but I watched Food Inc, and since then I can't really eat fast food meat. I just can't do it. The thing is I can resist junk food, but really good food that is really bad for me - I cannot resist. Examples: really good pizza, beer, bakery bread, homemade ice cream, chocolate, chips and salsa with margaritas and on and on.

    Our farmer's market has a fresh donut stall. It's torture for me to try to buy veggies and fruits while smelling those wonderful donuts. My stomach growls just thinking about it!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I find that the better I eat (clean, few processed foods, little to no added sugar, little to no white flour/pasta, etc.) the less I crave the super-bad-for-you junk. However, I still crave treats. I like sweets, I like rich flavors and food in general. I found that I can find healthier substitions for the "junk" and eat things that are still treats, but that are much better for me. Instead of out-of-the box (or bakery-made) brownies, I'll make homemade black bean brownies. Instead of traditional pancakes with syrup, I'll make protein "pancakes" (flourless) with greek yogurt instead of syrup. I'll eat very small portions of extra-dark chocolate (85-90%) instead of regular candy bars. You get the picture. I find that once I've gotten used to eating relatively clean, I really prefer healthier treats (in moderation) to supplement a healthy diet full of fresh veggies, lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats and very few processed foods instead of typical "junk". Creativity is key to finding healthier alternatives to the "junk" that we're all used to in a way that is conducive to true lifestyle change.

    Do the nachoes and take-out pizza and sugary/fattening wings and candy bars still look good? Kind of. But I know how crappy they'll make me feel so that kind of takes some of the fun out of the thought of eating them.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    My mom just walked in with a nice hot box of Krispy Kreme donuts. I haven't given it a second glance. I haven't eaten ONE and don't plan on it. I'm not depriving myself...I just don't want them. I'd rather have blueberries. I am giving them to the neighborhood kids when they get home from school. I can tell you...six months ago I would have eaten half a dozen....EASY! So to answer your question...yes ny dear:)) It will get easier. Think about doing some type of cleanse it DETOX for your body. I did that in January and the cravings stopped. Speak to a professional first of course:)) Hang in can do this:)) Best of luck:))
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I think it depends... I started in January 2010 and am a former friend chicken finger, mac & cheese and mashed potato ADDICT. I still love those foods, but rarely have them or "crave" it. Although if they are in front of me it is HARD!
  • marydee72
    marydee72 Posts: 51
    FOr me, it has. I have not had chocolate, chips, etc, etc, in over a year and the obsession has left me. I don't think about it anymore, I know my trigger foods and I avoid them. Sometimes when I smell somethings it brings back a memory. BUT honestly, the way I feel NOT eating it far outweighs the need to eat it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it doesn't seem appetizing any more. Whenever I used to pass a BK, before this change, I wanted a double bacon cheeseburger badly. It didn't matter time of day, or even if I was that hungry, I just wanted it. When I started making changes and counting calories, I went through a period where I felt like I was being deprived because I couldn't afford to blow that many calories at once. But now, after making so much progress towards my goals, I can say with 100% honesty that the BK I pass by every day has NO hold on me anymore. I truly do not want to stop. It just doesn't seem appetizing anymore. I'd really rather have a nice piece of salmon or catfish filet than a greasy burger. This doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen!

    And, when I overeat now, the uncomfortably full feeling is so unpleasant that I just don't want to do it anymore. I'm much more likely now to split something with hubby, or trim down my order. We used to go to luxe restaurants and go nutso: cocktails first, appetizers, salads, wine with dinner, a full entree, more alcohol/desserts after. It was our fave activity to enjoy a fine restaurant to the fullest. But now when we go somewhere nice, I am aware that if we do all of those things, I will be miserable afterwards, both physically stuffed, and emotionally unhappy that I blew so many calories.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    If I go on a bender for a weekend or abroad for a week and eat whatever, I come back craving healthy food. I miss my vegetables mostly. Greasy food makes me feel ill now and as I haven't eaten milk chocolate for a while, I find that its too sweet when I do eat it. Although I'm sure it wouldnt be too difficult to get used to again! :wink: I've never given up junk completely, I still eat weight watchers cakes and icecreams or just lower cal sweet things. But I think my tastes have definitely changed for the better :bigsmile:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Today what I craved was mandarin oranges....and fresh blueberries....and oatmeal, and not a doughnut.... I'm thrilled with some of the substitute foods I've found (popchips instead of potato chips. Raw almonds or cocoa roast almonds instead of candy. Pumpkin seeds instead of pretzels. A tablespoon of chocolate chips instead of a candy bar....) I've also found that making my own burger (or chile verde, or dessert) satisfies my craving for junk but is healthier for me.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    It did for me. After a while of eating healthier alternatives, indulging in "old habit" foods makes me want to eat clean again. Now I crave the better nutritional choices.

    I'm the same way... Once you've been doing clean eating for a long time, the old junk doesn't satisfy you like it used to... Just like when I quit smoking... The cigarettes weren't so appealing after a while...
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    NO! I love chocolate!

    chocolate is not junk! It is a necessity of life!! :laugh:

    Depends what you call junk. If you're talking about fast food and greasy chips and all that... YES, Absolutely does go away, just the smell of McDonald’s is gross to me, can’t eat greasy fried stuff, my stomach literally won’t take it. A slice or two of pizza or a square of chocolate, now that’s a different story!! But I think the more you clean up your diet the more your body won’t take the processed junk anymore!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I think it gets a bit easier. I've found that I really LOVE some food that is good for you.. mostly fruit. I don't think I'll ever want taco bell again and I used to eat it daily. Sometimes twice daily. I've learned so much about things that are in the foods are bad for you it makes me not interested in them. That said... my problem with binging on sweets hasn't gone away. I don't think it ever will.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I think it gets easier if you don't try to forever ban these foods from your life. A little bit here and there won't hurt, and in fact can help, your efforts and mentality. You just can't live off them like you used to. Everything in moderation, right?

    I also agree with this totally:
    Depends what you call junk. If you're talking about fast food and greasy chips and all that... YES, Absolutely does go away, just the smell of McDonald’s is gross to me, can’t eat greasy fried stuff, my stomach literally won’t take it. A slice or two of pizza or a square of chocolate, now that’s a different story!! But I think the more you clean up your diet the more your body won’t take the processed junk anymore!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I dont crave it as much as I used to, but I do allow for sweets every now and then. You cant give up everything!!
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    But nothing tastes as good, as skinny feels right?!

    I REALLY don't like that phrase. Something about it sounds so damn pretentious. No offense to anyone that uses it as a life motto, but it truly has this way of irking me for some reason. /wrists

    seriously! if food didn't taste so darn good most of us wouldn't be here in the first place. and even when my body is as fit as can be, i still love the taste of a crumbly aged cheddar, or a rich flaky pie crust with fresh peaches ... i think if your goal is healthy (vs. just "skinny") there is still room for the pleasure of tasting the delicious foods we crave once in a while.