"How are you doing it?" - What's your answer?



  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Unfortunately, nobody has noticed my weight loss nor asked how I did it so I really can't answer. When I visited my parents in March I told them I was not eating like I used to and trying to keep my blood sugar under control with diet (hypoglycemic). I don't deny myself anything I want but I really think about the consequences of having something before I eat it. Some things are just not worth it.

    I'm sorry to hear your friends quit before they gave it a chance. They are not ready to face their stuff yet. Sad but unfortunately there is nothing we can do for those types except tell them we'll be there when they're ready. Please tell her I'm sorry if my question about the type of work she did that kept her out so often offended her. That clearly wasn't my intention. I just don't understand that lifestyle. No matter how good a restaurant's food is, there is nothing like a home cooked meal and certainly nothing like one you cook yourself for those you love. Restaurants just can't add the love like families can. :bigsmile:

    I can't imagine eating out 3 meals a day everyday. That's got to get old fast. I'm sure there are business reasons why some might do it, but you can still make use of mini refrigerators and hot plates or microwaves if you really had a mind to. Some people just don't want to be bothered and feel they're a victim of sorts to their lifestyle. Whenever I travel, even before joining MFP and wanting to lose weight, I always pack our foods to have on the road to limit stops and bad choices but also to save money first and foremost.

    All you can do is lead by example. Granted people don't want the seminar version and everyone is looking for a quick fix. Just tell them hard work and dedication. There is no magic pill or wand involved. :happy: