Net calories..



  • Northwave
    Northwave Posts: 2
    Hey, what's up everybody? I'm new to this site, installed the terrific Android app today. I have this question I did not find any answer to in the help section... What's the difference between "Net" calories and "Remaining" calories. For example, today the Diary says: "Goal: 1820 (cal) Food: 1974 Exercise: 2079 Net: -105 Remaining: 1925". Is "Remaining cal" the amout of energy I should be consuming to achive my planned weight loss?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hey, what's up everybody? I'm new to this site, installed the terrific Android app today. I have this question I did not find any answer to in the help section... What's the difference between "Net" calories and "Remaining" calories. For example, today the Diary says: "Goal: 1820 (cal) Food: 1974 Exercise: 2079 Net: -105 Remaining: 1925". Is "Remaining cal" the amout of energy I should be consuming to achive my planned weight loss?

    Yes, your net should be your original goal,1820 so you would have to eat 1925 more to get to your goal caloric deficit to lose your goal amount of weight.

    What did you do to burn over 2000 calories?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    So what happens is you only eat 100 net calories? I ate little under 1200 calories, but I burned around 1100.

    After a few days of this your metabolism will slow down, and if you happen to eat more your body will store it as fat as it will not think it will be fed again. After even longer, non essential body functions will shut down. You hair may fall out nails discolor, or fall off, loss of muscles as your body tries to find fuel somewhere, etc, you essentially will become malnourished and sick, your immune system will weaken, making you more susceptible to getting sick...

    As a man you should be getting a minimum of 1500 net, so you are 1400 calories shy of where you should be.

    Also, over time you will permanently damage your organs and they will start to shut down.

    Don't forget ultimate brain dysfunction once there's a lack of energy stores.

    I read that the brain needs 500 calories a day to function properly, this is just the brain.
  • Northwave
    Northwave Posts: 2

    Yes, your net should be your original goal,1820 so you would have to eat 1925 more to get to your goal caloric deficit to lose your goal amount of weight.

    What did you do to burn over 2000 calories?
    Thanks, I think I got it now.

    And to burn 2079 cal of energy I (1) Walked 60 mins (2) Bike riding 90 mins (3) Weight lifting 60 mins (4) Badminton 60 mins. But this much exercise is just once a week or less. Then I solved todays cal deficit problem with a big bowl of walnuts :-)

    This site is awsome, thanks everyone!