hello all

amyhoffman01 Posts: 58 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. my name is amy. I am attempting to lose roughly a hundred pound in the next year. I am open to any suggestions and tips that have worked for the rest of you. i did well my first two weeks, but i know they are the easiest. good luck to everyone.


  • lfranks81
    lfranks81 Posts: 1
    Hi Amy... The single MOST important thing I think to have weight loss success is always to remember- "Calories In, Calories Out". The more food you eat, just means the more calories you have to burn.
    Good Luck! I have found this site to be a big help to keep track of what I am consuming and what I have remaining in the day!
  • shefly
    shefly Posts: 81 Member
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Just stick with it! That's what worked for me. When the pounds started to come off, I was motivated. Now I'm at the point of maintaining and every time I think I've changed my eating habits so I don't log in, I fall back into my old ways and start to gain again, so I've stayed on for about a year now, and it works for me as long as I stick with it. Wishing you well! =) Sheila
  • loseatonlady
    loseatonlady Posts: 160
    I'd love to friend you - I've lost 111 so far and it's a journey that doesn't end! Full of changes & wonderful new things! Lean on your friends here at MFP for support and encouragement when needed! Be sure to share your victories as well as struggles! Congrats on making this journey! You won't regret it!!!!
  • hi Amy! I recently joined as well and have almost 60lbs to lose. I would suggest by starting with setting small goals...like 5-10lbs. and so on. You will reach your small goals and feel like you are doing something as opposed to always looking at the total number. Also, make sure you eat lots of protein (lean protein)...protein helps burn fat. I've dieted before and lost 68lbs in 6 months but unfortunately gained some back. (gained it back a little here and there before I ever reached my goal.) I know how to do it, its just a matter of keeping my motivation to stick with it! I think this is going to be a great site to do it. If you would like to add me that would be great!
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