Hunger Monster

marandaj77 Posts: 13
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I started my weight loss and lifestyle change almost 3 weeks ago. I have started working out, eating better, I am measuring my food and counting servings and reading labels and trying to make better choices. I am drinking the dreaded water. I started eating breakfast which is hard for me because I am not a breakfast person. I am planning my meals and trying to space them out enough so that I do not feel hungry but it is NOT working. I am under my calorie goal and I am trying to increase my workouts. But I cannot suppress my appetite. I am really focused on meeting my weight loss goal and making real changes in my lifestyle where food and relationship with food is concerned but I just cannot get my appetite under control. I am fighting everyday to just not eat as much as want when I want. I really did not want to take anything OTC or get anything prescribed but I think I may have to do. Because I am VERY determined to make the important life changes and keep them permanent. Any suggestion would be GREAT. Thanks


  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525
    it would help of you made your food diary public
  • alibslim
    alibslim Posts: 16
    I have sooo much in common with you when it comes to food and my love of it. I have found that if I drink my water is portions instead of sip all day it tends to make me feel fuller longer. I don't know if that will help you but so far it is for me. Good luck and keep up the good wiork you are doing now!!!
  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164 Member
    I saw this on Dr Oz last week; I'm going to try it; Konjac root fiber suppose to help keep you from feeling hungry, the show was about once you hit 40 and losing wt. I havent tried it yet but probably will this weekend, you can google it.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    It really does take time. Before I started I esitmate I ate between 2500 - 4000 calories per day with all the sugar and additives you can imagine. It tooke nearly two full weeks of white knucking my way through the temptation before it started to subside. These days, just the idea of a Mc-anything makes me tired. A year ago, I would eat a 10 piece for sport. Hang in there, keep making good choices and your body will follow!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I can't see your diary but maybe you're just not eating quite enough?
  • toloseme
    toloseme Posts: 40 Member
    It really is mostly a matter of waiting. That and seeing if you can find items that keep you full. I use some of the Smart Ones TV dinners and those and a salad keep me full until I'm ready to eat again. If I do get the hunger monster, I grab one of my diet snack cakes or snack bars.

    If you are too far under your calorie goals you'll probably feel hungry. I've noticed that if I do not eat at least 1400 of my 1800 calories per day, I end up feeling like I am starving. So I try to make sure that I eat at least 1400 calories, although I do eat more a lot of the time.

    Also, don't forget that when you exercise you are going to be hungrier than if you did not exercise. I'm not exercising right now due to a knee injury, but when I get back on track, I already know that I will be hungrier on my exercise days than I am on my off days.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you will find that your body will adjust, but it does take a few weeks. Meanwhile, use these tricks to help you from feeling ravenous, because that's when you are most likely to choose poorly.

    1. protein is your best friend, it takes longer to digest than carbs. So choose lean protein often: cottage cheese or yogurt or eggs or lean meats with your meals.

    2. fill UP on the low cal veggies. You can't eat 100 calories worth of steamed broccoli, because it is SO much food! If you make up your plates with the veggies covering half of the plate, that's a good indicator. Also, all the fiber in low cal veggies helps you feel satisfied too!

    3. Chug that water! It helps every part of this, from suppressing hunger, to helping your body digest all that fiber, clears your skin, it's SO helpful. If crystal lite or something will make you more likely to drink up, do it. Whatever works.

    and last but not least, make a bunch of friends on MFP. We're all experiencing similar struggles, and having support makes a big difference!:flowerforyou: Best wishes :)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Are you hungry or just bored? I found that I mourned the loss of eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it for about 2 weeks. Old habits are hard to break. They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If it's true hunger you are feeling then start with water. Eat a snack every 2hours - go for things like nuts (walnuts are the best for you - raw almonds are good too) and berries. Any foods with natural color in them are good for you.

    I hope this helps! It's helping me. You're not alone in this!! You can do it.
  • Nissa_D
    Nissa_D Posts: 7
    Drinking tons of water helps me stay full. Most of the time when I feel hungry but know I had just recently eaten my body is craving water and drinking it helps. I typically have + 80oz. of water a day depending on what type of workout I'm doing. I've also found that cutting out processed foods has helped me not be as hungry. You would be surprised at what the chemicals in those things do to your body. Same with artificial sweeteners. Not saying this is for everyone but just a suggestion and what has helped me.
  • sockmontey
    sockmontey Posts: 19
    I've found for me it's almost always mental; that if I occupy myself with something else the hunger will typically go away.

    But as a friend once told me: "Eat to live, not live to eat." :)
  • marandaj77
    marandaj77 Posts: 13
    I am finding that drinking the diet sodas are making hungry faster so I am going to have to cut back on those until I am completely off of them.I am increasing the water intake not happy about it because I detest water but I know its for the greater good.
  • ibetsey
    ibetsey Posts: 6
    Good for you for making changes for the better and even better for you for asking for help! I'm no long-term pro at this but I'm a few weeks further into it than you are, so I was JUST there.

    First, don't be so hard on yourself. You're making a huge adjustment and your body is like "WTF?" If you slip up, just get back on track because this is a journey, not a straight line race.

    Second, do eat more protein as Lucky Leprechaun said. My favorite go-to dinner is an entire head of romaine lettuce plus some veggies, light dressing, and a grilled chicken breast. Very low in calories for the amount of food you're eating. Plus, the water in the lettuce and veggies and the protein in the chicken really fill you up.

    It will get easier! I promise! You just have to train your stomach. And when you start feeling better, you'll want to stick with it even more.
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