Completely sick of food.



  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    You don't know the whole of it. All nutrients are good as long as you choose the right kinds. For carbs, it should be complex (green leaf vegetables, whole grains, and sweet potato and others) For fat (peanuts, almonds, olive oil and avocados. Also from fatty fish and other nuts) And protein (from whey protein, chicken, fish and other white meats and Lean 90% or more ground beef)
    From looking at your diary, you can start by ditching the cereal. Especially that one, it's full of sugar.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    It is not as though i'm trying to completely cut these from my diet. Trust me, i've gone with the rule of 'staying under calories' for quite a while and still lost nothing. Worked perfectly for the first 3 months but all of a sudden nothing wanted to shift anymore. So i've battled with this plateau for about 5 months - probably lost about 5 pounds over that 5 months but still.
    What i'm saying is if I have bread during the day (like i did today) i feel like im overdoing it if I have bread again for dinner.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    This is supposed to be a healthy lifestyle - not a diet. Everything in moderation. Potatoes, rice and bread are not "bad" foods. Yes, they are high in carbs, but that doesn't make them bad. I have a slice of toast or an english muffin every morning with my egg. I work it in. I can't do it with every meal, mind you, but this isn't about deprivation, it's about healthy living. If you continue to deprive yourself and treat this like a diet, you'll just end up going overboard on things you consider "bad." (example, your rice and chili day)

    One thing I find that helps when I'm getting sick of food is to plan a menu ahead of time. That way, I've already done the work and am not trying to figure it out when I'm hungry... because when I'm hungry EVERYTHING "bad" looks good. :noway: If I already know I'm having a grilled chicken salad for dinner, all I have to do is go fix it. (it also helps to cut down on the grocery bill because you know what you need and aren't just buying stuff willy nilly) . Another way is to cook up a big batch of something good and healthy. That way, all you have to do is nuke yourself a serving! (better yet - cook up a few big batches of something healthy, break it down into individual portions and freeze it). A little planning can go a long way.

    Hang in there!
  • SkinnyLizzy1986
    SkinnyLizzy1986 Posts: 4 Member
    Firstly well done on you weight loss so far-you have done really well. Your hard work has clearly paid off. you will get there. It is ok to have what you call naughty foods so long as they are within your calorie allowance. If you dont allow yourself treats you may end up giving up. Plan yor whole day the night before to allow this. Wholegrain pasta jacket potatoes etc are not unhealthy & can be seved with lean meats, veggie things and healthy sauces. They can be fab and filling. I have been using a weightwatchers recipe book and some of the recipes are amazing. My family have loved them. If you have time to prepare meals from scratch then you are in control of what salt butter oil etc you put in. I think what I am trying to say is the maths is if you stay within your calorie allowance ( using some of your excersise calories as well )you will lose weight. Get some recipe books or healthy heat up meals& bulking them up with salads etc. You need to get your interest in tasty healhy food going again. With the odd treat thrown in to keep you motivated. ps so far I have been good at losing weight and getting to my goal-its keeping it off I have the problem with. i am hoping to keep it off this time! Keep up your hard work-it will be worth it
  • BastaConLaPasta
    Sounds like you have a similarly emotional relationship with food as I do. Once of the reasons I joined MFP was because just being around food, and thinking about eating it (but never actually doing it) was enough to make me feel like I had cheated. I'd come home from a party or whatever determined to cut down the next day because I'd "blown it" today. My husband would have to calm me down and take me through, to remind me of what I had *actually* eaten, as opposed to what I'd seen/ craved/ wanted. In actual fact, my intake was never very great - but I'd feel guilty just *thinking* about food, as if that was enough to make me fat. (Bear in mind I have never actually been overweight in my life)

    So - it's crazy and it sucks, and I do sympathise. My best advice is to eat everything in moderation which yes, means that if you had bread for lunch today, maybe stick with lean protein and veg for dinner, and follow up with some fruit for a healthy carb. Hope this helps. I had bread at lunch too and have just had a dinner of salad and poached turkey.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I even took it to the extreme at one point and wouldnt eat fruit because its high in sugar and I would boil my chicken breasts to get any extra fat out. But I found that swapping works for me. White potatoes might be bad - whereas sweet potatoes arent, and they taste nice without added butter :-)
    Brown rice actually contains a type of carb that speeds up weightloss.
    Brown pasta is full of fibre and super filling so you dont need to eat much of it.
    For instance, I wanted spaghetti bolognese one night, so I adapted all the ingredients to ones I feel comfortable with;
    quorn mince
    chopped tomatoes
    whole wheat spaghetti
    now tell me that is bad to eat? erm no!
    Plus everything is good in moderation - you can have a thin slice of cake but watch your sugar, fat and kcal intake!