How to handle 3pm hunger pangs?



  • Sidneylog
    Sidneylog Posts: 15
    Only been on here a couple of days and am finding 1pm, 3pm and 7pm difficult! Needing words of wisdom and support myself I think to stop the chocolate monster getting me.....again!

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Yup I get hungry at that time too. I had to start eating more around that time, just tons of HEALTHY mid day snacks and it gets me through. I've been doing this for months and it really helps keep me in check.

    Here is kinda how my day goes for calories but of course the #'s do vary day to day:

    morning (breakfast and snacks 730am-1230pm) = 300 calories
    afternoon (lunch and snacks 1230pm-530pm) = 700 calories
    evening (dinner and snacks 530pm-9pm) = 500+

    **I eat my exercize calories so dinner evening snacks are based on how much I burned that day**

    But as you can see the bulk of my calories are consumed in the afternoon and my lunch is usually only 200-300 of most of it is my snack foods (usually fruits, veggies, dried cereal, protein shakes and yogurt)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Plan your meals a little smaller earlier in the day, so you have some calories to alot to an afternoon snack. I eat breakfast around 9, lunch around 12, and a snack around 3. Then dinner whenever I get home. I haven't felt hungry in forever.

    And to add to this, try to make your snacks a combination of healthy protein, fats and carbs. Ex: cut veggies with peanut butter, whole-grain crackers with cheese, nuts & fruit... you get the picture! I find when I do this, it keeps me more satisfied than when it's all carbs (just fruit, just popcorn, etc.)


    You have to get a mix of Carbs / Protein / Fats in every meal and snack. That and a little fiber is the key to balanced blood sugar and, therefore, lack of hunger. Eat every 3-4 hours. This is the SECRET you are searching for!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    .....just to add, use a timer to remind you to eat on a schedule.

    Don't ever miss a meal, and you won't ever Miss A Meal.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Right now, I'm starving. I'm afraid when I get home I'm going to totally pig out while making dinner - I need some control!
    Here's my trick - first thing you do when you make dinner is start cutting up vegetables, and you can stuff in all the carrots and such you like while cooking. I won't usually deliberately go to eat these, but while I'm cooking I will.
    As to the afternoon, I have lunch at 12:30, dinner between 7 and 9, so I usually have a half Clif Bar in the office around 5:00. 120 calories, 10 grams protein. I don't quite feel full when I finish it, but 20 minutes later I'm fine. Chobani is my go-to snack for later in the evening.