Advice for night time munchies/gorging :)

Options number uno problem is that I eat the perfect amount of calories through the day and then BAM! 7:00pm hits and I go to the kitchen and eat everything in front of me, promising to do better tomorrow. I have scoured the internet, read a hundred weight loss / fat books and I haven't come across a single thing talking about this. Does it happen to anyone else, or HAS it happened and you have some ideas to help?? I really believe if I could conquer this problem that my weight would decline a lot faster :)

thank you for ANY help!


  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    SUGAR FREE Jello helps my fix
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    How about if you allot about 350 cals for night time snacking?
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    why are you eating....are you hungry? if so increase your calories or look into zig-zagging

    are your bored? why not get a wii and play that before going to bed...or go for a walk around the block

    if all else fails sip on water and put a motivating picture (or your bikini) on the fridge and evaluate if its really worth all the late night snacking.

    good luck!
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    popcorn(I love) or sugar free popsicles. im eating one now...before dinner. its 10 cal
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I like to have sugar free popsicles in the house...i end up eating, like, 5 of them through the night, but its usually still under 100 calories. That, and air popped popcorn. You get that crunchy, snacky enjoyment without destroying your calories
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    I have had the same issue! I eat smaller meals during the day and have healthier snacks, eating more often so I don't feel the need to snack at night. If I do need to, I opt for a Fiber One Brownie (90 cals) or a 100 cal popcorn, a weight watchers 50 cal cheese stick or especially pickles. Most are zero calories. Switching to these snacks have definitely helped.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    ugh i do this. unfortunately i dont have a cure yet lol. I think my boyfriend coming home and eating everything in front of me miight have something to do with it, but i'm not sure. Either way, i suck at self control :p
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    tea w/o sugar or a can of diet coke helps me. night time is when I get the urge to snack tho so I feel your pain :)
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    popcorn(I love) or sugar free popsicles. im eating one now...before dinner. its 10 cal

    Whoa! I think we're soulmates! :D
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    May not be helpful for you, but I do three things...

    1. I drink a ton of water whenever I start to get hungry, especially at night. The water makes me feel less hungry.
    2. I get rid of any kinds of food I don't want to be eating... well, I can't really get rid of it due to the kids, but I put it out of sight. There is no visible food in the kitchen.
    3. I often go to sleep hungry, only to wake up not hungry at all. Probably due to my funky metabolism, but once I get to sleep the hunger just goes away. In the mornings I have to force myself to eat a good breakfast.
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    Its the same with me. Before I decided to change my life, I would eat okay in the morning and at work, then on the way home I would drive thru McDonald's or taco bell and order a ton of stuff to eat on the way home. I no longer eat fast food, however, I now eat almost perfectly throughout the day and as soon as I get home, I am ravenous and (like you) eat everything in sight... Finding out how to stop this is my new project... I also have no clue how to do that... :huh:
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    why are you eating....are you hungry? if so increase your calories or look into zig-zagging

    are your bored? why not get a wii and play that before going to bed...or go for a walk around the block

    if all else fails sip on water and put a motivating picture (or your bikini) on the fridge and evaluate if its really worth all the late night snacking.

    good luck!

    I ditto this... I have had the same problem for years... got a Wii fit last week, and 10lbs off before I knew it! Figure out WHY you eat.. that's the #1 step to your solution! :wink:
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Well, I PLAN to eat something at night when I fill in my food diary in the morning (I save calories because I KNOW I will use them). I eat a vitamuffin almost every night becasue I know I am going to want sugar at some point, and at least it is also full of fiber and protein.
    The biggest thing is getting past that first week of telling yourself NO...... You will eventually get over the habit and stop scrounging the kitchen aimlessly...... (I used to be the same way)- I think boredom plays a part, as well.
  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    Happens to me all the time. Specially because I am usually up around 6-7 so I have my breakfast at 8, lunch by 1, and dinner by 5. When 7pm comes around, I am ravenous for unhealthy things. You can do a few things that have helped me:

    1) Drink a big glass of water
    2) Sleep... tiredness makes you FEEL hungry
    3) Workout, aerobic exercise makes the munchies go away and it's good to do during times you know you shouldn't be hungry.
    4) Eat something that will keep your mouth busy but wont hurt you if you don't have any remaining calories. Celery is a good one. Maybe a little hummus? YUM!
    5) Think about how bikini season is in 2 weeks ;)

    Best of luck! You're definitely not alone on this!
  • bethany_22
    bethany_22 Posts: 203 Member
    I have the same problem. I usually try to have a glass of ice water. Chewing on the ice really helps me feel less hungry. I hope you find a cure! =p
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I am the same way sometimes. It took me awhile to figure out how to manage my calories better. I have fruit for breakfast to save calories for those late night snacking fits I get into. I have actually stopped the snacking at night (not being able to meet my net calories) so I have increased my breakfast calories to 180ish to hopefully even out the calories a little more. I have a fruit smoothie type thing with soy milk for breakfast instead of a plum or banana.

    You can also get fruits and veggies to snack on at night. :)
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    Options number uno problem is that I eat the perfect amount of calories through the day and then BAM! 7:00pm hits and I go to the kitchen and eat everything in front of me, promising to do better tomorrow. I have scoured the internet, read a hundred weight loss / fat books and I haven't come across a single thing talking about this. Does it happen to anyone else, or HAS it happened and you have some ideas to help?? I really believe if I could conquer this problem that my weight would decline a lot faster :)

    thank you for ANY help!

    Exercise works best for me. It curbs my appetite but if for some reason you can't eat something healthy. Like nuts or a pieces of fruit. My favorite snack is PB2 and an apple.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Unless you stay up *really* late, you really should stop eating by 7pm. Also, make sure you're eating a decent breakfast, since starving yourself in the morning won't do you any favors at night. Having said that, I know you're looking for a workaround not a lecture. ;)
    I find (decaf at night) coffee with a bit of creamer to be helpful in staving off those munchies. Also, eat something you can eat really slowly, or maybe sugar free candy to suck on. You're probably not really "hungry" per se, so you probably just need something to prevent you from doing real damage (and not need actual nutrition) when you get those munchies.