Need Exercise Ideas, please

jknapp54 Posts: 27 Member
I am a 34-year-old woman who has Spina Bifida. I walk with the aid of a quad cane and use a manual wheelchair/power chair for long distances (getting to/from work, getting around at work, shopping, etc.). I have issues with balance, stamina, and my knees (my knees never totally go straight due to the disability) so finding exercises I can do is tricky, to say the least. I can do push ups, sit ups, leg exercises (floor exercises, water exercises), and ride a stationary bike (but I need a new one because it has no resistance so I use two 5 lb ankle weights with that). Is there anything else I can try to keep things from getting boring?


  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    swimming, now that could be fun to try out
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    try looking up some pilates moves and see if those would be a good fit for you. could you use a stablity ball maybe? and if your arms are okay, i would get some dumbells for strength training. you could also get a kickboxing type dvd, and even though you might not be able to do the kicks, you could do the punching moves - that would tone and get your heart rate up. you could even get an inflatable punching bag to work on different punches - jabs, hooks and uppercuts - you could do those sitting down - just blast some music and punch away! best of luck to you!