Warrior Dash!!!

sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
I recently made a blog post about my day doing the Warrior Dash. If you'd like to read it, here is a link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/sarah44254/view/warrior-dash-100155

There were a few comments asking about this or that, so I wanted to answer them all at once.

Yes, it did cost a bit more than I expected, but I say it was well worth it. $40 entry, $10 parking, $30 in gas to get there and back. I came home with a shirt, a medal, a hat - and had a free beer while I was there :wink: Worth it, in my opinion!

How did I train for it? I tried hard to get faster at jogging. That is all you really have to do to train. The obstacles really aren't that difficult, and actually some of them act as a nice breather for a break between jogging spurts.

Are the obstacles hard? Yes, some of them challenge you. Some of them are so easy you laugh. Some of them really invoked my fear of heights!

There's so much mud, what kind of clothes/shoes should I bring? Bring old sneakers or worn out running shoes. I happened to have some really old ones so I wore those. They did get completely ruined. Soaked in mud, beyond hope for my washing skills. I was able to donate them, though! Someone will clean them and use them, or they will be recycled into a new pair. My clothes were just some light wear that I didn't absolutely love. I had doubts that the mud would wash out. The socks seemed to be completely made of mud after I finally pulled them off. They went right into the trash. The other bits came home with me and I washed them thoroughly in the sink, then in a round of laundry all by themselves. They came clean!

The obstacles, tell us about them! Ok.. the hay obstacle was very high up! It was easy to navigate, the steps were between 8-12 inches between each other so you had to give it some umpf, but once you got up there (high up!!) you could pretty much hop down the levels to get off. It was a very cushiony feeling, I imagine a cloud would feel similar! (just less pointy :wink:)

There were some obstacles that were just hills of mud. They were tough at first, but you get the hang of them and really pick up speed. There were some that I could have worked more on upper body strength for. Climbing a wall and also rappelling down a steep piece of plywood...

There were tires that you had to do high-knees through (did really well there, thanks Zuzanna!) then you hop over old junker cars with no glass left. Have no fear on those, just barge your way through! They will dent and make noises, but they will hold you up. :smile:

Water: If you can handle it, bring a bottle with you. I read that there would be 2 water stations, 1 halfway and 1 at the end. It was more like 1 almost done and 1 at the end, so we were really thirsty all the way through. And it was hot. Very hot. Keep yourself hydrated!

So hopefully I answered some questions you had about the Warrior Dash. I really think anyone remotely interested in it should do it!! Even if you have a lot of weight to lose, or you are really out of shape - there were some rather large people running right along side of me and kicking butt on the obstacles. You can do it!!


  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    my cousin in the air national guard did that and said it was so fun but he was just head to toe mud too. looks like fun!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    This is great! I'm doing the Dash in September.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    *so* cool! warrior dash is coming to nc for the first time ever in august, and i am so signing up for it! you are my inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • KymzDaShiz
    KymzDaShiz Posts: 5
    I'm doing the Warrior Dash in October and one of my main reasons I started "training" and using MFP. So exciting!!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    My husband did the tough mudder last month here in PA. They both look crazy..something I would never do, so congrats!! :smile:
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm planning to do the dash in Sept. with my boyfriend. :)
  • Crazy88s
    Crazy88s Posts: 5
    I'll be doing this in WI in September for the 1st time, great to hear your story because i really wasnt sure what to expect! Think it's going 2 be a blast!!
  • MaybeImNot
    MaybeImNot Posts: 122 Member
    *so* cool! warrior dash is coming to nc for the first time ever in august, and i am so signing up for it! you are my inspiration! :flowerforyou:

    I'm running the 1:30 wave in NC! SO EXCITED!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    Thats awesome!! I'm officially addicted to mud runs. This last weekend I did the MS Mud Run here in St Louis. It was 10K and 30or so obstacles of climbing, crawling, running, mud, mud, mud, water, and more mud!!! What an amazing experience though. There is a Warrior Dash here in October and I will definitely be participating. If anyone has thought this might sound fun, just go out and do it!! You don't have to be the fastest....what matters is you get out there.