


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Here's an acronym I give my clients: I have this copyrighted, by the way...but you may share it for educational and motivational purposes, if it helps:

    W---whenever you W orkout
    A---A fter a shower or bath (you are dehydrated at these times) Take a glass of water in with you, so that you can drink it as soon as your done, or during a relaxing bath.
    T----T ravel T imes.....whenever you are travelling at all, even to the store or to work
    E--- E very time you E at
    R--- R ising in the morning, and R etiring to your bed at night.

    If you remember to follow this acronym, you will get enough water!

    naa its wine or ameretto during a nice relaxing bath,, thats where the relaxing comes rom
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Here's an acronym I give my clients: I have this copyrighted, by the way...but you may share it for educational and motivational purposes, if it helps:

    W---whenever you W orkout
    A---A fter a shower or bath (you are dehydrated at these times) Take a glass of water in with you, so that you can drink it as soon as your done, or during a relaxing bath.
    T----T ravel T imes.....whenever you are travelling at all, even to the store or to work
    E--- E very time you E at
    R--- R ising in the morning, and R etiring to your bed at night

    If you remember to follow this acronym, you will get enough water!

    naa its wine or ameretto during a nice relaxing bath,, thats where the relaxing comes rom

    ;) o.k. but you could have water too after.........because a bath does dehydrate you.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Here's an acronym I give my clients: I have this copyrighted, by the way...but you may share it for educational and motivational purposes, if it helps:

    W---whenever you W orkout
    A---A fter a shower or bath (you are dehydrated at these times) Take a glass of water in with you, so that you can drink it as soon as your done, or during a relaxing bath.
    T----T ravel T imes.....whenever you are travelling at all, even to the store or to work
    E--- E very time you E at
    R--- R ising in the morning, and R etiring to your bed at night

    If you remember to follow this acronym, you will get enough water!

    naa its wine or ameretto during a nice relaxing bath,, thats where the relaxing comes rom

    ;) o.k. but you could have water too after.........because a bath does dehydrate you.

    Doesn't that just seem strange and counter intuitive - that you would actually dehydrate while submerging yourself in water? LOL!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I only drink water. It was difficult at first but once I started drinking from a sports bottle I was amazed at how much water I could drink, and how much I wanted! I generally drink 100-120 ounces of water per day, that's 5-6 water bottles full. I keep it with me all day long and I take a drink every few minutes. I don't force myself, I just like to drink it. I find that drinking water from an open glass makes me feel pressured to drink it all at once but with a closed bottle I don't have that problem.
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    I drink 2 liters a day. When I'm at work I drink one in the a.m and by noon I fill it and start on the other one.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I drink about 100 ounces a day. At first i hated it, then I discovered using a straw helped tremendously! Not sure why, but it makes it better. So try getting a cup with a straw!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I drink about 100 ounces a day. At first i hated it, then I discovered using a straw helped tremendously! Not sure why, but it makes it better. So try getting a cup with a straw!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Here's an acronym I give my clients: I have this copyrighted, by the way...but you may share it for educational and motivational purposes, if it helps:

    W---whenever you W orkout
    A---A fter a shower or bath (you are dehydrated at these times) Take a glass of water in with you, so that you can drink it as soon as your done, or during a relaxing bath.
    T----T ravel T imes.....whenever you are travelling at all, even to the store or to work
    E--- E very time you E at
    R--- R ising in the morning, and R etiring to your bed at night

    If you remember to follow this acronym, you will get enough water!

    naa its wine or ameretto during a nice relaxing bath,, thats where the relaxing comes rom

    ;) o.k. but you could have water too after.........because a bath does dehydrate you.

    Doesn't that just seem strange and counter intuitive - that you would actually dehydrate while submerging yourself in water? LOL!

    ha ha, yes, but it's the steam......