Tips for losing weight on birth control pills

I've been working really hard to lose weight for the past few months and so far I've been pretty successful -- I'm focusing on more of a lifestyle change than just losing weight, but seeing results has kept me motivated.

But I've recently decided to get on birth control, and I've been researching different types of oral contraceptives. I'm very uneasy about the things I keep reading regarding weight gain, but I'm more so bothered by the fact that many women who were trying to lose weight claim to have noticed a decrease in their weight loss progress that corresponds with birth control.

I've read a lot about Lo Loestrin Fe, and it sounds like a much better option for someone trying to lose weight, so I was wondering if anyone has any input about it or experiences with it. I have only read about positive experiences with it, but nothing about weight loss, and It is also a relatively new product.

Also, does anyone have any tips on how to keep losing when while on birth control?

Doctors claim that birth control causing weight gain is a myth, but the high number of women posting about their birth control related weight gain suggests otherwise. I'd like to believe that exercise and diet will prevent it, but I I'm scared to try anything until I have input from women with experience.

Please help! Any input is appreciated!


  • CollegeGirl19
    CollegeGirl19 Posts: 101
    I'm currently on Loestrin 24 Fe and I've been losing weight just fine (when I actually stick to eating right and working out).
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Can only talk about my experience, but I have been back on the pill for a month now. Just started (again) MFP last week, and lost 1.8 pounds. According to scale, I am on track for positive things this week too. I too was scared about gaining, but so far, so good. Friend me if you want and we can do our own science experiment to see how our weight loss goes.
  • rv40
    rv40 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi, I am currently taking Ortho cyclen and I have never had a problem with weightloss. As long as I diet and exercised as anyone should, I have lost. I have lost 50 pounds once while on the pill.
  • DarthBubbles
    DarthBubbles Posts: 138
    I recently started using Sprintec (orthocyclen), first time using a pill. It's a really low dose pill, I guess. I've noticed my appetite has decreased, but my skin is reeeeeally oily.
    I was uber worried about gaining from using the pill, but so far, so good!
    My dosctor said the same thing about the pill not causing gain...I think in some people it makes them more hungry and they indulge in that (which is natural), and next thing they know they've gained weight...either that or maybe some women retain more water due to the hormone change?
    That's my 2 cents, anyway.
    Best of luck to you!
  • katslosingit
    katslosingit Posts: 41 Member
    I gained weight because I ate too much - nothing to do with my birth control pills. I lost weight when I was on Loestrin FE but changed to Microgestin because I was having break through bleeding with Loestrin FE (haven't had that problem with this pres.). I am still on Microgestin and am losing weight now that I'm eating right and watching my calories.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I'm on seasonique and never gained weight from it, and haven't had problems losing weight.
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    its not the birth control it self that makes you gain . The birth control increases your appetite and with that being said you eat more. Im on birth control and i ben doing fine. I do get hungry alot more often but you have to find things with less calories or exercise more. Hope this helps :)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've been on birth control for a long time... about 8 years now (GOSH that makes me feel old). I was off it briefly for about 6 months and during that time I DID lose a lot of weight (without trying); about 10lbs. of course there were some "lifestyle" changes/stresses during that time, but none of which were intentionally toward weight management.

    I've been on generic brand ortho-tri-cyclen for the majority of this time. it's not like my weight has BALLOONED or anything, but I did notice a difference.

    If it's really a concern and it seems to be holding you back, I've heard that lower-estrogen versions will work better for this issue - but I couldn't tell you WHAT those low-estrogen ones are.

    good luck!
  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    I am on Previfem, it is a same dosage pill for the whole 3 weeks. I had been on a tri-pill where each week was a different level of hormone strength, but I didn't like how that pill made me feel plus I felt like I had a lot more cravings on that pill as compared to this one - the tri-pill made my stomach feel awful for the first few days of the next strength of pill.. I have had no issues with my weight since going on the pill. I have just continued to watch my calorie intake as I had before and have continued to lose weight. Some of it too is you have to give your body time to adjust to the pill, which usually takes up to 3 months. If you are going to have any side effects they will typically be the worse in the first 3 months until your body adjusts and gets used to everything.
  • Andra01
    Andra01 Posts: 90 Member
    Im on Yasmin and I lose weight when I workout and eat well .... when I started 4-5 years ago I never gained weight, but lost 5 pounds!
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    I think it's a myth, and I think people use it as an excuse. I am on Tri-cyclen and I haven't had an issue losing weight.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    The weight gain problems on the pill aren't due to the pill. Those gains are due to the fact that the pill makes us have cravings or think we're hungry and the women who give in to that gain weight. If you are still careful about what you're eating and you keep up your exercising, it really shouldn't be an issue. I've been on the pill my whole journey and I'm losing weight just fine.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Women on any hormonal birth control pill gain the same amount of weight as women off the pill, an average of 3 pounds per year. While it's true that some women will gain 15 pounds and some will gain 0, what happens with you is up to you. If you put in the effort with a healthy diet and exercise there is no reason that birth control pills should have any effect on your weight loss.
  • jpalmer7384
    jpalmer7384 Posts: 23
    Ok, first of all the doctor's you have talked to are quacks, because I have been on birth control since I hit puberty, and nothing makes my weight fluctuate like birth control. I have taken Lo esterine Fe before, and it did affect my weight. I gained 40lbs in 2 months, and considering I am already overweight, I didn't need that pill to help me in that department. I have been taking Orthotricyclen Lo for the last almost 3 years. This is the only pill that hasn't messed with my weight. My weight has been pretty consistant since I started it, until now because I am trying to lose it lol...well I hope that helps!
  • Hey, I think in the newer days of the pill there was in increase of weight gain but now the pills have been developed to prevent this from happening. It also depends on how your body reacts to increases in hormones, you may have to have a play around with it until you get it right but may find that the expected weight gain was the least of your worries with some of them! I have just had my 2nd implanon removed because my body just went weird - extreme mood swings, painful cramps, exhaustion, depression, huge weight gain - my hubby 2b was ready to leave me bless him! Now i'm on levlan/microgynon 30 and it is perfect! It really is trial and error but mention your concerns to your nurse and they will be able to help you choose right. If your diet is healthy and your doing some physical exercise you should be fine. Good luck and enjoy your freedom ha!
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm currently on Loestrin 24 Fe and I've been losing weight just fine (when I actually stick to eating right and working out).

    Ditto! i dont notice any difference. I used to use it as an excuse but I can't anymore.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I've heard that the weight gain due to BC pills was just due to retaining water. I think if you make sure and get enough water, it won't be an issue. I've been on OrthoTricyclen and Yaz and have lost weight on both.
  • mrsKJW22
    mrsKJW22 Posts: 1
    i just started on ortho tri cyclen and haven't really noticed if it has affected my appetite but like you i do worry how being on the pill will affect my weightloss
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    A little bit off topic, I didn't like how birth control (oral) reacted with my body. I did gain 15 lbs with it. Granted it could have been my life style, but still!

    This time around I got the Paragard IUD. I LOVE it, and haven't gained any weight or had any other issues.
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I think it's a myth, and I think people use it as an excuse. I am on Tri-cyclen and I haven't had an issue losing weight.

    AGREED! I was on Birth Control for 8 years and now that i'm off (not because of trying to loose weight) I haven't lost weight any easier than if I was on the pills before. They didn't make me gain weight at all. That was all me and what I put in my mouth and living a sedentary lifestyle.

    I was on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo, Ortho Tri-Cylen, and Loestrin. None of them made any difference.