Types of Lipids (Fats)? And macronutrient ratio.

So I understand that saturated and trans fats are bad for you, and that mono- and polyunsaturated fats are actually benificial. My question is, if I went over my fats today by 16 grams, but it was all from almonds, avocado, and olive oil, it is that really terrible? I wish I had gotten more protien, but I only went over my calories by about 50. I am also having a really difficult time figuring out the best macronutrient ratio for gaining strength and losing fat. Any thoughts?

Feel free to check out my meals today.


  • carolynmittens
    well from my experience, i put on a few pounds by going over my fats, even though they were all healthy fats in the form of nuts, avocado and coconut. i've now cut out most fat from my diet and am fiiiiinally losing weight! so see what works for you, some people do very well on a high fat diet. others like me, not so much.