Why is it so hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day?



  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I drink 64 ounces by noon each day and used to hate drinking water. Now I crave it. I have the mindset to use it to flush out all the bad things and get something pure in my body. Now I can't go without it. I have to drink my 8 cups by noon or I don't feel right the rest of the day. Make yourself do it and then it becomes a habit...a very good one!

    SO true. Just make yourself do it, just like making yourself exercise or eat right. Just force yourself to do it, and after a while its easy. Plus it honestly does make you feel better. After 30 days of doing it, I don't feel as good without my water.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    It used to be hard for me too but now I drink anywhere from 12-16 "glasses" a day...8 oz servings. I drink 2 glasses while getting ready in the morning, 2 glasses before my first break, 2 glasses between break and lunch, 2 glasses between lunch and last break, and 2 glasses before I go home for the day. Then usually I drink 2 with dinner, and 2 after a workout. Today it was especially hot so I drank 4 after my workout. You have to space it evenly througout your day. Oh, and don't be alarmed, your bladder eventually gets used to the intake ;)
  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    I use flavor packets too. I can't get enough now. I just hate plain water
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    First off its not 8 glasses or water its 8 cups/ 1 cup = 8 oz or 250 ml like in a measuring cup. If not that hard there are many ways to go about it.
    Heres a post that may help you a little

  • romiga
    romiga Posts: 44 Member
    Its hard for me too, the only thing that makes it easier is drinking 2 cups during my workout and drinking four of the 1qt fiji bottles minimum through the day then while making dinner--which usually takes an hour-- sip another cup, that leaves one before bed. It actually gets easy now that it's into my routine. I find myself drinking more than 8 now! Just keep it up, it'll get to where u crave it! :)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    You know all those times you want to mindlessly eat? Watching TV, trolling the net, sitting at work (depending on your job) - when I started that's when I made sure to have a water bottle nearby. You'd be surprised how much you can mindlessly drink. I go through an average of three 16 oz bottles just watching TV at night. I ditto what everyone else said about using a sport bottle or straw, it goes down faster. I used to hate water, now I can't be without it!
  • anses
    anses Posts: 6
    Wow, you guys are really helpful. This forum rocks. I'll buy a 24 Oz bottle, and I'm willing to try those flavor packets as well. Thank you all.
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    I use a wine glass that holds 8 ounces. I figure that my water is precious to me and should be treated like the treasure it is... and frankly... , I can drink a wine glass empty in a few swallows... Bad early training *smiles*

    I fill a 1/2 gallon carafe and keep it on my desk and just keep filling the wine glass throughout the day. This is what works for me.