started the 17 day diet yesterday



  • carolynmittens
    so day 3 is complete and i honestly can't get over how my cravings have just disappeared completely. maybe it has something to do with the way they suggest certain foods at certain times of the day.... but either way i have not had a single snack or anything sweet in 3 days and i'm not even tempted! my biggest problem was always the mountains of unhealthy snacks at my job - i teach preschool and the parents are just always bringing in crap for the kids. even foods like pretzels are just terrible for you, all that refined flour and no nutrition at all. so i'd constantly be snacking and it really hurt my weight loss attempts, and i guess eating all that junk along with the healthy food i would pack really made me crave more junk all the time. now that i cut out sugar completely the cravings aren't even there, it's amazing.

    AND i just got back from the gym and ran my fastest mile ever! 8 minutes!!! i feel like i have a ton of energy on this diet. i'm gonna weigh in tomorrow or the next day.... i only want to lose 10 lbs so i dunno how quickly that will come off, but i'm pretty convinced this is finally a way of eating that will actually work for me.
  • carolynmittens
    I started it yesterday - C1D2 for me today - lost 3 lbs overnight - I am so motivated !!!!
    congrats on the 3 lbs!!!! that IS motivating! :)
  • carolynmittens
    C1D3 here and down 6 pds! My biggest problem is getting in enough calories. It's really difficult to get to 1200 with this diet and I am not hungry at all. Day 1 I was just over 900 and yesterday I was just over 700. Today I am going to just make myself eat more....
    congrats on that 6 lbs - i'd be thrilled if i lost 6!
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    Day 2 is done with, pheww!!! I weighed myself this morning after day one and was done almost 2 pounds.I will see how tomorrrow morning goess. =] EVERYONE IS DOING A GREAT JOB AND IS SUCH AN INSPIRATION!!!
  • carolynmittens
    down 3 more lbs today, a total of 5 :) ie more weight than i've lost in 6 whole months of exercise alone!
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    Can i ask what everyone eats and what kind of excerise everyones doing??
  • carolynmittens
    i just did an hour of spin then an hour of yoga... it was definitely too much. i barely had any energy or balance to do yoga. i don't think i'll be doing another spin class while in cycle 1 of this diet. this week i ate a lot of steamed cauliflower with tomato sauce and ground turkey, eggs for breakfast with an orange, a huge veggie salad every day with carrots, red peppers, apple, cooked onion, cucumber, and 2 T of dressing. i grilled a ton of asparagus and sauteed 3 heads of broccoli with garlic and red pepper flakes and ate that yesterday and today. tons and tons of veggies basically. it feels so good!
  • Hairhacker
    Hairhacker Posts: 174 Member
    I am reading the book guys are definately motivating me!