Deciding it's time to check in.

redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
Hello everyone here at MFP!

My name is Elena, I am married with 2 grown daughters, aged 27 and 19. I just turned 43 this week and am trying to change my life.
I currently reside in Buckinghamshire here in the UK. We moved here from Denver, Colorado USA in 2007. My husband got a job offer to move here and we love it. I am an EU Citizen and he has his permanent residence card, we plan on staying.
We used to be very active in Colorado, it's just that sort of place, with lots of nice weather and great outdoor activities year round. From hiking the mountains in the summer to skiing them in the winter.
A few years before we moved I started working from home and that's what started the weight gain. I bought quick and easy food to eat while I was at home. Working from home tends to cause you to become a hermit, I stopped going out as much. So the weight creeped on over the years.
Then we had this big change, moving overseas. Now I had hoped this would help because we would be walking more. You just had to own a car in the US, everything is so far apart. We have been here over 3 years and still don't own a car (i'm scared to learn to drive here) but I found a work at home job and spend most days at the computer.
For our 15th wedding anniversary this year my husband took me to Paris. Talk about beautiful!!! I hate having my photo taken, but on this occasion I allowed it. They shocked me. I am only 5' 4" tall and have tipped the scales at 212. It shook me out of my stupor, I joined our local gym a week after returning. I am doing 90 minutes a morning on the treadmill, elliptical and weight machines, 4 days a week. The weight was coming off but really, really slowly. At the urging of a good friend I decided to start counting calories. Since March 28 I have now lost just over 6 pounds. Just right at 1 pound a week. However 3 pounds were lost just last week, I think it has to do with MFP.
Well I will stop boring you for now, just want to say hello! I need support, but I also need someone to kick my butt occasionally, if would like to add me I am happy to support you as well. Thanks!


  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    You're doing so well! Welcome to the UK and to MFP! :flowerforyou: I've added you as a friend......

    Sue :smile: x