working out over target heart rate zone

I got my Polar FT4 heart rate monitor over the weekend for my bday, and have used it about 4-5 times already :) (it encourages me to work out) however I changed the heart rate zone on the watch to 65% to 85% which is approx 148 to 178 for my age and resting heart rate at 60(averaged out over 3days after just waking up) but I seem to be hitting 180-190 all the time during my exercise(MTV pump it up dance dvd and zumba) and I know this means I'm burning less fat per hour than if i was to work out at 148-155 but I'm worried about my muscles and that. is there a reason why it is happening, or am i just naturally pushing myself too much??


  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    I have the same problem. I go Zumba every Sunday and my heart rate is always around the 90% mark!
  • KarenLouise1981
    This has annoyed me since I bought the damn watch - my HR is ALWAYS 185+ as soon as I start cardio but drops off instantly when i stop. I figure it's making me stronger as my cardio is improving, im getting toned and losing weight steadily so whats the problem. As long as I don't get dizzy, chest pains or vomit its all good! I can easily run 3km at 185-190 before needing to walk for 30 secs. Gonna watch your post for comments though.

    Good luck!
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    i have noticed if I go over 195 i get a little dizzy and sick but i just have to stop for 5 mins and drink some water and itll drop to 140-150. god im useless at running, so I can only imagine how high my heart rate would be(I'm betting 200 at least)
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    my HRM put my target zone between 131 and 170.. when i do the 30 day shred work out, i'm often over this 170 and around 180 except when i do the lower impact strength exercises for toning muscles. As long as you feel fine you'll be ok, and if it drops quickly when you do rest, your endurance should be fine. It should get better the more you train t, though..