hi - new on here from uk

hi there

just found this site after being recommended by a mate. seems the best nutrition tracker ive found so far. basically all im after is a daily track of my calories and the macro split such as protein, carbs and fat. this is because im trying to work it into a weight training plan.
im not finding it as easy as id like to track foods, especially on my phone too, but i dont know if im doing it the best way, so ive just asked on the tech forum.




  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    I track all my foods on my ipod touch, that way i dont miss any. Its a real help knowing exactly what your intake of calories are. It came as a real shock to me when i first realised what my daily intake was.
    Its fun to balance calories in with calories burnt through exercise.
    Good luck.
  • davo26
    davo26 Posts: 5
    cheers mate, i got an htc desire, so android, which is mebbes a bit different to ipod software, and maybe not as good. but its at least giving me some idea of values, and yes youre right, its an eye opener. especially the amount of carbs in stuff. i need to up protein and drop carbs really, so its really helpful being able to see a visual guide.
    spose one area im struggling with is food that doesnt have 'written values' on it, like a big dollop of chilli sauce on chicken, or a load of gravy on a roast, that sort of thing.


  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I track on my phone. I find it is really easy. My phone is always with me. The food database is very large. This site has helped me immensely. Best wishes to you! Add me if you are looking for friends.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Hi, I am from Herts, feel free to friend me