Back Again!!

dlou1979 Posts: 9
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All

This is my second time here lost nearly 2 stone the first time and then since November put it all back on again, am gutted!!! But have to make sure I deal with why I keep yo-yo ing and try again. Anyone have similar experiences or tips for me?



  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    I had it the same after I gave up weight watchers :( I can feel your pain, back to square one hehe But I guess if we did it once, we can do it again !!!
  • dlou1979
    dlou1979 Posts: 9
    Thats what I keep telling myself, damn chocolate and crisps just ban them all!! lol
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    True, true!
    I blame my boyfriend and his drawer of sweeties and his abilities to cook haha
  • jessvdm
    jessvdm Posts: 9 Member
    Can totally relate! The hardest part is keeping it off! I am also back after a while just because I feel myself slipping back into old habits of raiding the cupboard and grazing when I am feeding my daughter her lunch and dinner. AGH. It is hard not to feel like you don't have a lot of control. But I guess that is why we have this tool and a community to vent to. Good luck and keep reminding yourself why you are here in the first place and how great you felt when you were at your ideal weight. :)
  • dlou1979
    dlou1979 Posts: 9
    I'm tempted to hang the jeans I loved wearing on the fridge to keep me motivated, a little impractical though lol
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    maybe tight them to handels so its more effort to open the fridge and by the time you take it off you lose your cravings hahahha
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