Letting your food diary be public



  • Adeland
    Adeland Posts: 19
    I don't fib on my diary.. and everyone I am friends with can see it... Sometimes I OVER calculate servings on purpose to mentally allow me to think I can consume less than I actually can.
  • terrt
    terrt Posts: 16
    I would like to know how to make mine public. How do you do that? That way if I need it, someone can offer me hints or suggestions. I have the exercise bit down, but I need more help in getting or keeping my carbs down..or just a tweak here and there anyway. I work hard and getting no where, so I'm missing something. Just haven't discovered what yet. I think I eat healthy and I know I exercise well rounded there. I'd like to know..thanks in advance if I don't make here again today.
  • Djbass728
    Djbass728 Posts: 71 Member
    I don't fib on mine and I figure having it public can help if I hit a wall and need feedback. I do try to error on the side of "too much." If a food I eat is listed as having less calories than I think it has I may increase the serving size by 25% so it reflects more realistically - it seems this site counts calories burned much higher than other sites I have used too but I have been steadily losing weight and am thrilled!!!!!!! This is an amazing tool!!!!! To calculate my calories burned I enter my stats on a couple of sites and get an average - although this is not a problem lately as I am just coming off of a back injury and have been unable to exercise. Bottom line is you just have to be honest with yourself whether your profile is private or public.......this site has changed my entire outlook on food - I enjoy eating healthy and have cut out most of the junk (chocolate cravings still prevail though....lol) Good luck in you journey to be healthier!!!!!!
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    Do you think by letting your food diary public helps you make better choices? Or do you just fib a bit on it....knowing people may judge you some what?? Just wondering? It really makes me think about what I eat because I want to be true to myself and others!
    So how do you comment on someones food choices?
    Have you ever wanted to say something and instead kept it to yourself???
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    I would like to know how to make mine public. How do you do that? That way if I need it, someone can offer me hints or suggestions. I have the exercise bit down, but I need more help in getting or keeping my carbs down..or just a tweak here and there anyway. I work hard and getting no where, so I'm missing something. Just haven't discovered what yet. I think I eat healthy and I know I exercise well rounded there. I'd like to know..thanks in advance if I don't make here again today.
    If you go to foods, then settings at the bottom it will show different options to show your diary :)
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    I don't fib on mine and I figure having it public can help if I hit a wall and need feedback. I do try to error on the side of "too much." If a food I eat is listed as having less calories than I think it has I may increase the serving size by 25% so it reflects more realistically - it seems this site counts calories burned much higher than other sites I have used too but I have been steadily losing weight and am thrilled!!!!!!! This is an amazing tool!!!!! To calculate my calories burned I enter my stats on a couple of sites and get an average - although this is not a problem lately as I am just coming off of a back injury and have been unable to exercise. Bottom line is you just have to be honest with yourself whether your profile is private or public.......this site has changed my entire outlook on food - I enjoy eating healthy and have cut out most of the junk (chocolate cravings still prevail though....lol) Good luck in you journey to be healthier!!!!!!
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    I would like to know how to make mine public. How do you do that? That way if I need it, someone can offer me hints or suggestions. I have the exercise bit down, but I need more help in getting or keeping my carbs down..or just a tweak here and there anyway. I work hard and getting no where, so I'm missing something. Just haven't discovered what yet. I think I eat healthy and I know I exercise well rounded there. I'd like to know..thanks in advance if I don't make here again today.
    If you go to foods, then settings at the bottom it will show different options to show your diary :)
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    I don't fib on mine and I figure having it public can help if I hit a wall and need feedback. I do try to error on the side of "too much." If a food I eat is listed as having less calories than I think it has I may increase the serving size by 25% so it reflects more realistically - it seems this site counts calories burned much higher than other sites I have used too but I have been steadily losing weight and am thrilled!!!!!!! This is an amazing tool!!!!! To calculate my calories burned I enter my stats on a couple of sites and get an average - although this is not a problem lately as I am just coming off of a back injury and have been unable to exercise. Bottom line is you just have to be honest with yourself whether your profile is private or public.......this site has changed my entire outlook on food - I enjoy eating healthy and have cut out most of the junk (chocolate cravings still prevail though....lol) Good luck in you journey to be healthier!!!!!!
    Good for you!! I always put my foods higher, but lower with exercise!! lol
    Just to let you know I found some really good ice ream!1 Yarnells fudge bars that are 70 cals, 2 fat and 9 sugars!!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    The way I see it if I fib on my diary the only person I'm letting down is me.
    Not everyone is perfect, if you slip up, note it down, people don't judge here as far as I've experienced.
    I keep my diary just to my friends but I don't know why really :) wouldn't make a difference if it was private or open to me though.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I know it helps me be more honest about the amounts I put in. I know that no one can see what I measure but it does keep from putting in 2/3 cup when I really ate 1 cup.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My diary is public, and I don't fib on it.

    1) It's really for my own knowledge and benefit, for me to see trends, patterns, things to improve, etc.
    2) If my friends or others take ideas from it, or just laugh at it, I don't care either way. Good for them.

    In the past few weeks, I've had ice cream, chimichangas, beer, wine, Doritos, an Italian sub, pasta carbonara... I'm sure there were other not-so-healthy things in there, too. But, you know, I'm human. And it almost always fits into my calorie goals for the day.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I don't fib on my Diary either, i logg in everything no matter if its healthy or not. I also like to see what other
    people eat to get ideas when I get bored with my food choices. i also like feedback from other people on
    how I can improve and lose weight faster.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It takes a lot of time and effort to weigh, measure, prepare and log the food I eat. Fibbing about it just seems lame. Why bother going to all that trouble if you're just going to lie?

    I have mine set to public so I can get feedback. I've already asked about it once and got some great feedback (my sodium was high... it's now set to a lower number so I can monitor it better).

    I like to browse people's diary - not to judge, but to get ideas for meals and snacks. My eating isn't perfect, but if having my diary open allows someone to get ideas for their own use, then I think that's great. I like to think we're all in this together so we should be supportive in any way we can.
  • Diet_Hell
    Diet_Hell Posts: 34
    My diary is public for all to see.

    I do not lie in my diary, I think this in itself is a major success, as I am no longer kidding myself about what I have eaten.
    I am accountable for everything that passes my lips, and the fact that I've got to write it down, really helps me make the right food choices in everyday life.
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I never lie in my food diary, why do that?
    I mess up sometimes and eat what I shouldn't, but I am trying and learning and that is what keeps me going - knowing that I HAVE to do this and teach myself by seeing what I am doing wrong or right.

    I do not like when people comment on choices they think aren't right because it brings me back memories of childhood, or when I was 400+ and I get a little annoyed. I usually just ignore it because nobody knows what I have personally been through and changes that I have made, so, whatever.

    I don't mind a comment every now and then, but if it's too much nagging, I will just delete the person...
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    I don't fib on my food diary because I don't see the point of doing all the work and just sabotaging myself.

    That said, my diary is viewable by my friends only. I have a huge issue with being judged by the food choices I make (am working on this in therapy) and getting unsolicited advice could cause me to starve myself for the next few days, or cause me to binge. Just being honest. I am hoping to one day be able to allow my diary to be public, but that won't be for some time.
  • suzukigurl
    suzukigurl Posts: 90
    I make my diary public so others can see that you can eat "normal" food sometimes and it's ok, plus some people actually get motivated by seeing you diary because they really don't know what types or kinds of foods or even recipes =) to use. So having it public I think benenfits others and I don't think anyone on here has a right to judge anyone for any reason.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I'm always curious what people are eating, I made mine public, I thought maybe it would help me be more accountable but it doesn't , heck I forget it is public. I don't fib though, cause I would still know and I will never lose any weight that way. I like diaries that are public when you see someone doing well it helps you to know you can too.
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    My diary has always been public and I honestly don't think about other people viewing it (I forget that it is public)....I am always honest-because that is how I am going to lose weight.
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