Weight Fluctuation

Pakitalian85 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Sooo... question.... Based on my scale, I have been fluctuating between 169 and 171. Which I know is normal. At different times you will weigh differently. Its also dependent on if you have food in your body, water, a lot of sodium the night before, your clothes, etc. BUT... if that is the case, how are we supposed to see progress? I did a weigh in last week at 169. Get on the scale this morning and I am back up to 170.5. So am I to weigh in again and increase it back up to 170.5? Sorry if I sound a little bitter, but I have been on MFP for almost 2 months now, and haven't see much progress. I have done everything. I have a food scale, HRM, trying to watch sodium, drinking my water, eat all calories, and haven't seen anything but a 1-3 lb fluctuation everyday... thinking that maybe MFP just wasn't meant for me :( I will keep trying though... Not ready to quit just yet. Going to increase my exercise and see if that helps. Does anyone else see weight fluctuation like I do? Is it normal ALL the time? It should "break" eventually, right? :sad:


  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    F the scale! That's my motto now! It depends on how you look. I'm going at least 2 weeks without looking at it because I have had that same fluctuation for over 2 months...it makes me so frustrated. So eat healthy and exercise and don't look at that scale for at least two weeks.

    Check out this website:

    I actually work with the guy's mom who wrote this and have talked to him. He is very knowledgeable and i really like this article he wrote. Maybe it will help...maybe not:) But it had helped me. He also hates the scale.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    trying to watch sodium

    I looked at your diary and you were over on sodium. You should try and stay as much 'under' the sodium as you can.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    ive lost more inches and fat than weight, which im def more pleased about:smile:
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Are you tracking inches? A lot of times inches will move faster than pounds. Do your clothes feel looser? I would definitely try and measure the inches, willing to bet that they have moved!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know you must be getting so frustrated. I did go and look at your food diary and on the days you don't exercise you go over, but on the days you do exercise you are not netting 1200 calories, you are only getting about a 1000. I don't know what you are doing for exercise, but make sure you are adding strength training to your routine. I also don't know how tall you are, but your photo makes your face look skinny. maybe your goals are set too high, so you are still not eating enough. If you have an active lifestyle and you have it set to sedentary you are cheating yourself of calories. If you are close to your goal and only have about 10 lbs to lose you need to have it set to lose .5lbs a week and that will cheat you out of much needed calories. I also don't see a lot of fruits and veggies on your diary, you might want to add a salad or veggies to your meals.

    I think you should reassess your setting and make sure they are accurate and be sure to eat more of those calories you are given. Remember food is fuel, it is not the enemy.
    Best wishes.
  • cruise160
    cruise160 Posts: 55
    OMG Im going through the same thing :-(. Today was my weigh in day and I gained a pound according to the scale. BUT I did however eat more sodium that I shouldve. I fluctuate between the same 4 pounds. Im not doing this the whole 110% I must admit....closer to 90%. Some days I go over on my cals but 100-200. So I cant totally blame MFP. Let make a commitment together to ride this thing out giving it the 110%!!! Get rid of that yo-yo for good!!!
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    trying to watch sodium

    I looked at your diary and you were over on sodium. You should try and stay as much 'under' the sodium as you can.

    Honestly...I don't think your sodium is too high. When working out...your body actually needs sodium. If I go a little over I don't worry because I'm working out and drinking a ton of water. Now don't take in like 5000 mg or anything...but don't worry about a couple hundred here or there. At least that's my take on it. I would research the sodium topic.
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    I agree. It's not about getting your weight down. This whole site is set up to lose weight, but when you reach a certain point, you begin to build and tone your body and muscle always weighs more then fat. So we burn fat but gain some muscle, it might eventually even out. Check your inches and take a look in the mirror. With consistency, your body will have no option but to burn calories and tone.
  • kickboxer74
    kickboxer74 Posts: 31
    It is quite normal for the human body to flucuate between one and three pounds a day. You are not alone in this and it sounds like you are very frustrated at the lack of results for all of the hard work you have put into the program. I don't think that quiting and leaving MPF will solve your problems, as the tracking tolls are very helpful to monitor your calories and daily exercise, but you know what is best for you and your fitness goals.

    It appears that you are at a plateau and should evaluate where you are at and where you want to be. Our culture is obessed with dieting and people spend millions of dollars each year of fad diets and diet products. Beyond all of the hype of the diet industry is science of weight loss and weight gain. One pound of fat is equal to about 3500 calories. That means that if you eat an extra 350 calories of food a day, which is about equal to a large piece of cake or a medium milk shake, you would gain an extra pound every 10 days (350x10). Or you would gain a pound in about 20 days if you eat or drank an extra 175 calories a day (175x20). On the converse, if you burn an extra 350 calories a day for 20 days you will lose a pound in 10 days.

    The one to three pounds you keep gaining and losing is more than likely water retention and food stored in the body. There is nothing you can do about that, so try not to be too hard on yourself about that. The human body is a machine and food and drink is the fuel. You may want to switch up and/or maybe intensify your workouts to schock your body out of your plateau. Beyond all the hype are a few simple ideas: eat less, eat better and train harder. You will get past this, best wishes.

  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I personally don't go by the scale at all, I just go by how I'm feeling. Like you, I don't see much progress but I can feel my core is tighter...I'm just waiting for some of that fat to burn off...and it will I'm sure.

    Keep up the good work, watch calories and carbs and I'm sure you will see a difference.
  • Pakitalian85
    Pakitalian85 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for all of the support everyone. I am learning from everyone's advice. The sodium does need to come down a little. Its just difficult because sodium is in EVERYTHING! I do think I need to increase my exercise, to see if that can break my plateau. The thing is, I have lost an incredible amount of weight before (162 lbs), and its just so much harder this time. I just don't understand!

    As far as clothes go, NO, NOTHING IS FITTING LOOSER!!! That is another thing. All clothes still fit the same :grumble:
    My husband says he can see a difference, but then again, I'm sure he is trying to make sure he gets fed every night and doesn't have to sleep on the couch.. lol

    Going to increase my exercise, started the 30 Day Shred, and going to add my own cardio with it...

    Thanks again, and thanks for your support. I may be back in a week to complain some more, but to know someone is listening really helps. I'm going to try even harder. I'm not ready to give up yet.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I lost 72 pounds over 15 months between four and five years ago. I gained back 22, and am now on a mission to lose most of that weight (I was probably too light at my lowest weight). I have re-lost 10, and been able to keep that off pretty easily....but I'd really like to lose five more, and it is tough!!
    Don't have any advice for you, just commiserating that we are kind of in the same boat with trying to re-lose weight. You've done an incredible job with the amount that you have lost. How tall are you? Perhaps your current weight is what your body sees as healthy.
    Good luck!
  • karatsd
    karatsd Posts: 35
    The less you weigh, the less likely you are to compete with a "biggest loser." It is unrealistic to expect the same kind rapid loss when you have under 50 pounds to lose. Your body may still be getting used to your smaller weight. Everyone else pretty much said the rest- FOCUS ON HEALTHY LIVING and the rest will fall into place. Congrats for hangin' in there!
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