Mommies on a Mission

MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
This is for all the Mama's out there who are looking for change, support & motivation.
For the rest of May (I know, I'm a little late starting this :tongue: ) let's try to check in everyday with positive news!
Start with listing a few of your goals and we can go from there??

Who knows what we can learn from each other?!


  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    CW 134.6
    GW 130ish (my low adult weight has always been 140 so I'm jazzed just to be under!)
    Lost 14 pounds since mid January
    Currently doing CLX/Insanity Hybrid
    Mommy to my 17month old son...he is my everything :heart:
    Finished my 1st 5k on 5/1/11 & plan to run at least 2x a week on top of other workout programs.
    Just looking for supportive Mamas out there to join me in the race of getting & staying healthy!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I am a mommy of a 6.5 year old little boy :heart: He is my everything, my world
    I am currently 255 and have a goal of 150, so I have a ways to go.
    I am training for the Warrior Dash on 9/10/11 and have been using the C25K program for that.
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    Im a Mommy on a mission too! To 2 yr old twins!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I am a mommy of a 6.5 year old little boy :heart: He is my everything, my world
    I am currently 255 and have a goal of 150, so I have a ways to go.
    I am training for the Warrior Dash on 9/10/11 and have been using the C25K program for that.

    You can do it! How are you liking C25K? I love it! That is what got me through my 1st 5k. I have never been a runner prior to that app.
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    Im a Mommy on a mission too! To 2 yr old twins!

    Welcome! Congrats on the 10lbs lost! Twins must keep you SUPER busy!
  • jscimeca
    jscimeca Posts: 66
    I'm a Mommy to two little boys.
    I am currently doing a CLX/P90X Hybrid and psyched to be seeing results immediately!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am a mommy of 2 babies (Laci - almost 2.5 yrs old and Carson - 10 months old). My SW was 194, and my CW is 154. My goal weight as of now is 140 (14 more lbs to go). I have been on this journey for 7 months now, and it is hard to believe that I am 3/4 of the way there. My goal for this month is to start C25K and stick with it. A friend of mine and myself are going to run a 5K in Oct for Breast Cancer. I also have my high school reunion in June, and I would like to be 145 at that point. If I can't do that, I hope to atleast be in the 40's. My weight loss is slowing down, so I don't lose as much every week which is normal. This is a great thread!!!
  • I am a mommy of five boys 14,12,11,10 and 5. I really want to lose my weight and be thin again. My goal right now is to add more exercise every week. I recently purchased a treadmill and have not been on it as much as I should. I am trying to motivate myself to use it at least 3 days a week right now even if it is only for 15 to 20 minutes it is a start, then hoping in time to go on longer and or more days.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Hey, I'm a mommy on a mission. I have a daughter who's 10 and a son who's 8. I've been hovering around 165 for about 2-3 weeks now, so annoying. I'm hope to be in the 150s by the end of the month. My ultimate goal is to be around 135 by my birthday in July. Think I can do it? I could use the encouragement. Mommies on a mission, Woo-hoo!!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm a Mommy to two little boys.
    I am currently doing a CLX/P90X Hybrid and psyched to be seeing results immediately!!

    How are you liking it so far? How far into it are you?
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I am a mommy of 2 babies (Laci - almost 2.5 yrs old and Carson - 10 months old). My SW was 194, and my CW is 154. My goal weight as of now is 140 (14 more lbs to go). I have been on this journey for 7 months now, and it is hard to believe that I am 3/4 of the way there. My goal for this month is to start C25K and stick with it. A friend of mine and myself are going to run a 5K in Oct for Breast Cancer. I also have my high school reunion in June, and I would like to be 145 at that point. If I can't do that, I hope to atleast be in the 40's. My weight loss is slowing down, so I don't lose as much every week which is normal. This is a great thread!!!

    Great job on the loss this far! That is a huge accomplishment!
    I just started Zig/Zagging my calories. I've heard it helps bust through the weight loss plateau, so I'm giving it a shot for 1month to see what happens! Let me know if you're interested in the info!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I am a mommy of five boys 14,12,11,10 and 5. I really want to lose my weight and be thin again. My goal right now is to add more exercise every week. I recently purchased a treadmill and have not been on it as much as I should. I am trying to motivate myself to use it at least 3 days a week right now even if it is only for 15 to 20 minutes it is a start, then hoping in time to go on longer and or more days.

    Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going.

    Tell yourself this everyday, several times a day! You can do it!!
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey, I'm a mommy on a mission. I have a daughter who's 10 and a son who's 8. I've been hovering around 165 for about 2-3 weeks now, so annoying. I'm hope to be in the 150s by the end of the month. My ultimate goal is to be around 135 by my birthday in July. Think I can do it? I could use the encouragement. Mommies on a mission, Woo-hoo!!

    Yes you CAN do it!! We are all here to help support and motivate.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    I'm a Mommy to two little boys.
    I am currently doing a CLX/P90X Hybrid and psyched to be seeing results immediately!!
    Just curious, what is CLX?
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I just started Zig/Zagging my calories on monday. I have been on a weight loss plateau for over a month now. The inches are going but not the weight.
    I've done LOTS of reading on forums and it seems like the Zig/Zagging has helped lots of people.

    Here is the link to figure out your specific calories.

    Here is a blog that has TONS of great info in it on Zig/Zagging
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm a Mommy to two little boys.
    I am currently doing a CLX/P90X Hybrid and psyched to be seeing results immediately!!
    Just curious, what is CLX?

    ChaLEAN extreme, it is an awesome workout program by BeachBody =)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am doing Turbojam by Chalene Johnson, and it is an amazing workout (if you need something new). I actually have zig-zagged my calories twice already, and I will probably have to do it again when I hit another plateau ( my guess is when I get closer to 140's). I usually hit a plateau every time I change. It really does work (from personal experience). 30-day shred is a good workout too (had great results with it).
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    I'm a Momma on a mission too;) I have a daughter who will be two next month. My start weight was 180 on Jan 15 and I am down to 153 now. I currently have my goal set to 140 but when I reach that I'll reassess, I may end up pushing it out to 130, just to challenge myself(: I haven't done much as far as exercising goes, but I am starting c25k next week with a friend. (I actually gave it a trial run last night just to see if I could run for a whole minute at a time..whew, can you say out of shape!) Great thread!!
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member

    I'm a mommy to an awesome 15 months old boy. He is part of the reason for starting this journey!
    CW is 175, I would like to be 170 by the end of May!
    I'm on my 3rd day of Insanity and I want to keep going! It's going to be hard but failure is not an option!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    I am the mommy of 8 yr. old and 4 yr old girls :heart:
    I am currently trying diff. exercise workouts (so I do not get bored)
    Turbo Fire, spinning and walking(hope to eventually be running)
    starting weight 270 lbs.
    mini goal 255 lbs. (by the end of May)

    Hopefully this will help my motivations:smile:
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