Being a vegetarian...that HATES bananas...

I've been a vegetarian for 17+ years. The ONLY fruit I HATE is Bananas! I seriously can't stand them...a texture and aroma thing with me, I guess. I really wish I could handle them because I am trying to incorporate more raw vegan foods in my daily schedule which many of the recipes I have found say to use Bananas.

So...I guess, my question...looking for common ground here...

Are there any vegetarians that hate bananas?
What do you use instead of bananas that have near the same nutritional value?

I have found some like but not nearly all in avocados and mangoes and potatoes but I'm always looking to improve my knowledge in the area! Have any other ideas? Thoughts? Findings?

Any and all chatter welcome on this...
Also...if you are vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, etc - I'd love to be friends on here!!! Send me a request! Thanks!


  • rickymare
    rickymare Posts: 10 Member
    Mushrooms and strawberries have a great amount of potassium. Blueberries are always good as well. I am vegetarian as well! I will add you so we can share our diaries and foods!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    For a chart of potassium-rich foods go to
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks! :)
    Added you, btw!

    I usually do mushrooms and like strawberries and blueberries, too! The berries are great stand alone or in a smoothie or juice anytime! As for the mushrooms - versatile, too! I like to do portabellos in the summer with Balsamic!

    Anyone know how much nutritional value you lose from Mushrooms when you cook them!? Just curious, really...I guess I could google it! LOL
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not vegan but I don't like Bananas. I use coconut water. Full od potassium and other great nutrients!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    What the?? How on earth do you hate bananas???? I could eat them all day long.......... haha
    But, I am a vegetarian too and the list of my dislikes is HUUUGE- I think I would be 10lbs heavier if I wasnt so picky.....

    I think as long as your eating a variety of other fruits and veggies on a regular basis, the lack of bananas isnt going to hurt you. Potatoes are high in potassium if your looking to find that elsewhere.....
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I'm pescetarian mostly, but I'm not wild about bananas. I add them into smoothies with other fruits though. Makes them not so strong in flavor.
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    Doobabe - That is sort of what I thought, too, about 'as long as I eat a variety'...I wasn't sure if by doing less potatoes since trying to incorporate more raw foods in my diet if I would be losing some more of those values...ya know what I mean!? :P
  • Fertilegrounds5
    I am not a vegetarian but I TOO HATE BANANAS!! WooHoo I'm not alone. My kids laugh when I force my self to eat them. UGH! CoConut Water has a ridiculous amount of potassium. I sooo wish I had known that along time ago. The article is old but its helpful.
    I like this one but have yet to try a different brand. They are definitely best served VERY cold.
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    I just had a "Ah-HA!" moment! Tomatoes!!!!! I eat a lot of them! They are a good substitute!

    Always interested in additional ideas tho! :) Keep 'em coming! Thanks everyone!!!!
  • ekaterinip
    ekaterinip Posts: 17 Member
    I have just became vegetarian since Jan of 2011. The hardest thing for me is to get recipes close to the ones I grew up with and have been feeding my family. Also to be getting enough protein in me, and what the family can love as well. Had dizziness when I first started, but when I eat enough I am okay, many times I did not eat enough, when I do I get into the wrong things. I crave chocolate, and chocolate chip cookies, a lot! I love bananas, I worry not to eat too many of them, which I usually don't anyway. I would suggest incorporating it such as in a dessert, maybe with another fruit, or even using banana extract, and less banana to you acquire the taste for it if possible of course. There was a famous movie stars wife that made up recipes to fool her kids to eat their vegetables, I am sure the same can be done for banana which are great because they have so much potassium in them. I am not sure if it is useful information, at least I hope it gives you some inspiration. Everything is new tome, in many ways it is like trying to learn how to cook all over again, it is giving me even more anxiety with coming up with new recipes, sometimes it is so hard to know what to do with all this confusion about food and trying to lose weight. Everybody please go easy on me this is my first time pretty much as far as the posts go. I am terribly shy about posting. Good luck to all of us! We can do this! Just a frame of mind! Thanks for the opportunity to post.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Bump! I'm a vegetarian thats allergic to bananas!
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    I'm a pescatarian who LOATHES bananas. So much so that back in my crappy food eating days, my aunt who makes the best banana pudding in the world for every family function always makes me a separate serving without any bananas or banana flavored anything (so basically vanilla pudding, sour cream and cookies, lol).

    And although I know that they're not the same, I won't even touch plantains because they look like big bananas...

    Anyway, I would suggest papayas in place of bananas. They have fewer calories, less carbs and sugar and a crazy amount of vitamins A & C.
  • chilipeppers
    chilipeppers Posts: 119
    you can use applesauce in lieu of eggs in baking. There's also pre made egg replacers for other kinds of recipes.