I am so lost and afraid.



  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    From my experience, I am betting that you are malnourished due to lack of sufficient quantities of stomach acid. Send me your email by private message and I'll send you the research and blog links that turned my life around. Heal your digestion and the weight falls off effortlessly. I've shed 91 pounds this way. The anxiety and craving/binge cycle might just be very important messages that you haven't decoded yet. You're not necessarily getting enough nourishment and this is easy with a plan and a supplement or three to change, I did.

    Friend me.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I agree with a previous post -- Eating unhealthy foods (sugar) affects your metabolism and makes you crave more. Try to eat healthy (no sugar) and watch your cravings virtually disappear. Commit to one perfectly healthy day. Exercise - eat right and see how you feel when you go to bed. You can do it!

    I've always like to be in control - before I ate because it made me feel powerful -- because no one could tell me I couldn't eat it. Now I've retrained my brain to find control in NOT eating it. It's the same feeling of control - just from a different source. You'll find what works for you.

    Another great book is YOU ON A DIET (Dr. Oz). This book explains how your body processes food and stores fat. It was a real eye opener for me.

    Add me if you need a friend:smile: