Looking for ladies around 150lbs with 20lbs to lose

emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
edited 5:49AM in Motivation and Support
Any ladies out there with similar goal weights to me please feel free to add me as a friend, I could really use your motivation and support! :)

Even those who have now lost their 20lbs and are at their goal, I could really use some inspiration!

Im 5'6" by the way :)



  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Added you. :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    My prepregnancy weight is 140 and im 168 now.. Because im nursing id like to get around 150 at least then my dream goal is 130, add me if you'd like =]
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    add me add me!!! 5'4 but around 150 and 20 lbs to lose!!!

    we can support each other! :flowerforyou:
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member

    I'm 142lbs, was 147lbs, want to be 120lbs... does that count me in? I am 5ft 3" /4". I'm finding it hard to shift anything... I have been here for 25 days. I think I originally entered my start weight wrong as I used different scales, so I think I have only really lost 2-3lbs so far!

    Feel free to add me.
    Gemma x
  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    I'll add you! I have exactly that much weight left to loose and it's not buding!!!!!!!!!! I need all the motivation I can get! Adding you now! :smile:
  • yhernandezphx
    yhernandezphx Posts: 18 Member
    adding :)
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Just added! I've gotten down to 147 and my final goal is 135, seeing 130 would be amazing though. I've lost 26 so far, but I'm trying to keep going down. Good luck!
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I added you! Any of you ladies can add me also, if you'd like!
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I am in the 170's but would be thrilled to get to 150. Add me, I am trying to work through this last 21 pounds. It is way harder to lose than the first 29 for some reason!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hiya, I am 5ft 5 and weighed in yesterday at 149lb.

    I would like to lose another 27lb, I shall add you :)
  • mrspdl
    mrspdl Posts: 2
    Added! I'm 5'2 and 146 my goal weight is 125!!! :smile:
  • suzksell
    suzksell Posts: 48 Member
    I added you. Our goals are similar...though I am a bit shorter than you are. I've loved the support I've gotten here, and I hope you get some great inspiration as well!
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I started at 155lb but my goal is to be between 135 and 130.
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    Started at 150 and am now at 134.4 ; )
  • TurboChels
    TurboChels Posts: 69 Member
    I started at 145 pounds 8 weeks ago and now I am at 133 pounds thanks to TurboFire! My ultimate goal is 125 pounds.

    Anyone can add me too :)
  • Caseyanna
    Caseyanna Posts: 53
    Hey that's me. I'm 5'2" and weighing in at 147. I'd like to get down to 125! I'll add you!
  • Mandam1018
    Mandam1018 Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 5' 5.5" currently at 147 and want to get down between 130 and 135.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm 5'5" and at 150...I don't think I can lose much more without losing muscle. But dayam...130 sounds nice!
  • katyk00
    katyk00 Posts: 67 Member
    Same boat as alot here! Add me I would love to support you all too!
  • JBatt123
    JBatt123 Posts: 24
    I'm 5"7 and wanting to do exactly that. I send you a request.
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