Heart Rate Monitor vs. Workout Equipment

ddcdiva77 Posts: 37
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
The calorie counter on my heart rate monitor and on the exercise machine typically do not add up; however, the heart rates are almost identical:heart: ...my question is which one do you think is accurate? I get almost double the caloric burn on the monitor/calorie counter than what is reflected on the treadmill or elliptical.


  • ger2oo5
    ger2oo5 Posts: 5
    Did you enter your bodyweight into the treadmill or elliptical trainer?

    If not, this is why ;)

    Usually, there is an option to customise your workout on most C.V machines (a custom button) which should allow you to enter your bodyweight for a more accurate account of kcals used.

    Im sure that most C.V machines will presume your about 70kg unless you enter your bodyweight :(

    If your in a gym, ask a trainer or instructor how to enter your bodyweight for kcals burnt .

    Hope this helps :)
  • ddcdiva77
    ddcdiva77 Posts: 37
    Yes, I entered my weight on both the workout equipment and my heart rate monitor/calorie counter. That's why I cannot figure out why there is such a huge discrepancy, especially when the heart rates are almost the same.
  • CMoney412
    CMoney412 Posts: 28 Member
    is your monitor set for your pace, too? Because mine calibrates pace, whereas the elliptical is not as accurate ...
  • Nussbary
    Nussbary Posts: 34 Member
    There can be several things here. but every machine is different, and I am not sure what your set up is. but in generalities:

    1. How old is the equipment you are using and are they the same brand? The equations they are using are most likely going to be different. However they should not be 2x different.
    2. you have input you weight to both devices, what about age, sex, and targets? Also, the barbie is right, the elliptical will take into account your pace. Where as your HM wont, even if it does have GPS, you are standing still. Even though your exertion is being relayed as your BPM, the HM can only use the BPM and body weight, where as the elliptical most likely has to use the pace and the body weight. again, shouldn't be 2x different

    personal rules of thumb:
    a.never trust the machine numbers
    b.always pick the lower number (whats wrong with making yourself work harder?) :)
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