Hip Flexors, Piriformus, Psoas,IllioTibialBand, + weak hams

irridia Posts: 527 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
So my hips often hurt really bad, especially after hard cardio. I have a desk job that doesn't allow for much in the way of getting up. I have resistance bands at work and I generally do cardo at work. I do locust to stretch my piriformis (my right leg has actually been numb from hip to little toe sinc '02.) I also do a ballet barre style stretch for hip flexors. I've tried an ITB stretch I found on the nets but it kind of torques my knee. Tried doing leg curls w/my lowest band and oh my, it tries to cramp and makes me want to cuss... a lot. I managed to get 5 in. Did squats yesterday and my lower back is complaining a bit today.

Any strenthening ideas? Specificallyp psoas. One of my fitness goals is to be able to do the butterfly stroke w/out swim fins, these normally make my hams and calves cramp as well. I eat lots of bananas and I'm not low on salt. Sometimes when I try to isolate the psoas for strengthening it cramps on me. Sometimes when I'm doing a twisted stretch, what feels like the intercostals cramp especially if i'm bent at the wast touching the floor on the side of my foot, or even in the hurdle stretch. I suppose that could be the upper protions of the abdominus rectus? not sure, i'm iffy on my muscles these days.

Any advise or routines to help these areas would be greatly appricaited.
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