Is sugar intake reasonable?



  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Remember that this is REFINED sugars. Fruits don't count, just the processed stuff.

    A sugar is a sugar. Fructose (fruit sugar) is still a simple sugar. Read this article. Sugars refers to ALL sugars combined, not only refined sugars. Fruits do count.
  • angelaplaxton
    Remember that this is REFINED sugars. Fruits don't count, just the processed stuff.

    ____ this is a great post. I agree. Processed and added sugars arn't good for anyone!
    I go over sometimes and its when i've had a day of fruits and cereal. Look at the "type of food" your eating
    on the food diary when you are seeing a high number of sugar.. Then be conscience for the rest of the day..
    when you start your food diary the next day, look at the previous day and see what you liked and what you didn't like.
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Bump. for links to more info on sugars.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    I seem to be going against the grain here, but if I'm slightly over on sugar and the ONLY sugar I had that day was a result of eating fruit, then so be it. Everyone can decide for themselves whats important for their own health. I eat fruit (mostly melons of any sort) as a healthy, low calorie, and filling snack. They also satisfy my sweet tooth when many healthy foods do not. I look at it this way: its either a candy bar or a cup of fruit.

    Allow me to throw another curve ball. The other day I felt light headed and decided to have more sugar even though I've been at or above my limit with only eating fruits. I ate an unhealthy chocolate chip cookie and felt much better. What's this mean?? To me it simply means that my body needed some more sugar. So I added 100 calories to my diary and still stayed under my total for the day along w/ a workout.

    To each his/her own...
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi all thanks for your comments :)

    So basically the sugar that MFP suggests for us is of 'refined' sugar.. that which is found is sweets, chocolate, cake, biscuits etc?

    Ive never really worried about the amount of sugar in an apple or orange, because ive been told its natural sugar.. Sure a lot of it isnt good for us but a lot of anything isnt good for us.

    Everything in moderation is a strong statement and one that should be followed when on a diet I say!

    I think Im going to take the sugar column off of my diary too, it makes me feel bad about myself! lol
  • Melissajojo3
    Melissajojo3 Posts: 100
    thanks for responding MFP friends :)
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I go by the philosophy that sugar is sugar. I don't manage to meet my criteria most days, but I try to stay close.

    It has definitely surprised me how much sugar is in somethings, especially yogurt. I get where it comes from when there's fruit involved, but some have no fruit and still have almost 30g sugar! EEk.